The mother of one of the victims of last weekend's Portland stabbing advocated inclusion in a vigil.

Beth Nakamura/TwitterThe grieving mother (R) of one of the Portland stabbing heroes, Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche.
“Give it up for love” are surprising words to hear from a mother whose child was recently stabbed to death by a stranger.
But that’s what Asha Deliverance instructed attendees at a vigil for her son, Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche, who was recently murdered while protecting two young Muslim women — one black, one wearing a hijab — during a hate-fueled attack on a Portland train.
Hundreds of people assembled on Saturday to honor the fallen 23-year-old, along with 53-year-old Rick Best and 21-year-old Michah Fletcher, all of whom intervened when Jeremy Joseph Christian began making threatening and anti-Muslim comments on Friday, May 26.
Christian lashed out with a knife, killing Namkai-Meche and Best.
Fletcher, who was stabbed in the neck, is still healing.
Taliesin Myrddin Namkai Meche, My dear baby boy passed on yesterday while protecting two young Muslim girls from a…
Posted by Asha Deliverance on Saturday, May 27, 2017
Best was an Army veteran and a father of four. Namkai-Meche was a recent college graduate who worked at a consulting firm.
Looking at the selfless nature of their actions, it’s unsurprising that the families of these heroes have responded only with messages of inclusivity and love.
Deliverance, in particular, was seen embracing Muslim women who approached her at the vigil.
Two Muslim nonprofits have raised more than $540,000 for the victims and their families with an online fundraiser.
Asha Deliverance, the mom of Portland hero Taliesin Meche, at a vigil for the victims. She has so much grace, it's remarkable.
— Yashar Ali š (@yashar) May 30, 2017
Asha Deliverance, mother of Taliesin, quietly tells me & another reporter, "He did the right thing." And then she smiled & left.
— Beth Nakamura (@bethnakamura) May 28, 2017
2) and this:
— Beth Nakamura (@bethnakamura) May 28, 2017
Three days after the attack, Deliverance wrote a letter to Donald Trump, asking him to condemn hate speech and hate groups.
“They recognized the truth: we are more alike than we are different,” she said of her son, Best and Fletcher. “To ride the train home without being assaulted because of the color of your skin or your religious beliefs, is an inalienable right.”
May 29, 2017 Memorial DayDear President Trump,Iām writing to you today, Memorial Day, to share my heart after…
Posted by Asha Deliverance on Tuesday, May 30, 2017
It wasn’t until one day after this letter — a stunning four days after the murders — that the President addressed the attack from his second Twitter account, which has about half as many followers.
The violent attacks in Portland on Friday are unacceptable. The victims were standing up to hate and intolerance. Our prayers are w/ them.
— President Trump 45 Archived (@POTUS45) May 29, 2017
Before sending this message, Trump published 21 other tweets on a range of other subjects.
The Fake News Media works hard at disparaging & demeaning my use of social media because they don't want America to hear the real story!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 29, 2017
British Prime Minister May was very angry that the info the U.K. gave to U.S. about Manchester was leaked. Gave me full details!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 28, 2017
Does anyone notice how the Montana Congressional race was such a big deal to Dems & Fake News until the Republican won? V was poorly covered
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 28, 2017
Critics wondered if the nature of the attack had something to do with the response — which came much later than Trump’s reactions to other attacks.
“He should learn from the Portland heroes,” a Chicago Tribune writer suggested of the President. “When he responds more quickly and passionately to victims of Islamic terrorism, for example, than he does to domestic anti-Islamic terrorism, he becomes less of a problem-solver and more of a problem.”
Next, learn the real story behind the famous “Migrant Mother” photograph. Then, read about a new 66study showing that Americans are warming to Muslims and Atheists.