From Edgar Allen Poe to Tupac, enjoy the biting and sometimes hilarious last words of some of history's greatest figures.

"I hope the exit is joyful and hope never to return." - Frida Kahlo

"Love one another." - George Harrison

"I'm bored." - James Baldwin

"Where is my clock?" - Salvador DalĂ

"Fuck you." - Tupac Shakur

"Utter Nonsense" - Eleanor Roosevelet

"I'm in no pain. No pain. Don't cry for me, Rahaman. I'm going to be with Allah. I made peace with God, I'm OK. Rahaman, how do I look?" - Muhammad Ali

"I don't want to die." - Amy Winehouse

"I'm going to the bathroom to read." - Elvis Presley

"I want nothing but death." - Jane Austen

"Last words are for fools who haven't said enough." - Karl Marx

"Don't you dare ask God to help me." - Joan Crawford

"I finally get to see Marilyn." - Joe Dimaggio

"I must go in, the fog is rising." - Emily Dickinson

"One last drink, please." - Jack DanielFamous Last Words Of Jack Daniel

"I have offended God and mankind because my work did not reach the quality it should have." - Leonardo Da Vinci

"You see, this is how you die." - Coco Chanel

"Oh, you young people act like old men. You are no fun." - Josephine Baker

"Don't lift me." - Robert F. Kennedy

"Tomorrow, I shall no longer be here." - Nostradamus

"I'm going away tonight." - James Brown

"Goodbye, kid. Hurry back." - Humphrey Bogart

"One never knows the ending. One has to die to know exactly what happens after death, although Catholics have their hopes." - Alfred Hitchcock

"Goodnight, my kitten." - Ernest Hemingway

"I'm bored with it all." - Winston Churchill

"Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a man." - Che Guevara

"Is it not meningitis?" - Louisa May Alcott

"A dying man can do nothing easy." - Benjamin Franklin

"You are wonderful." - Arthur Conan Doyle

"Swing low, sweet chariot." - Harriet Tubman

"I feel something that is not of this earth." - Mozart

"This is no way to live!" - Groucho Marx

"Every damn fool thing you do in this life you pay for." - Edith Piaf

"God damn the whole friggin' world and everyone in it but you, Carlotta." - W.C. Fields

"Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow." - Steve Jobs

"Don't let it end like this. Tell them I said something." - Pancho Villa

"This isn't Hamlet, you know. It's not meant to go in my bloody ear." - Laurence Olivier

"Lord help my poor soul." - Edgar Allan Poe

"Remember, Honey, don't forget what I told you. Put in my coffin a deck of cards, a mashie niblick, and a pretty blonde." - Chico Marx

"Back in no time." - William S. Burroughs

"Now is not the time for making new enemies." - Voltaire, after being asked by a priest to renounce Satan.
Be they in the arts, politics, or sports, in many ways historical icons seem to be, well, not human. That perhaps explains why their deaths come as that much more of a shock to the general public.
The famous last words in the gallery above serve as an apt reminder that no one, not even the larger than life, can predict their end -- or for that matter, know exactly what they will say upon their dying breath.

History Uncovered Podcast
Episode 26: The Death Of Amy Winehouse
Following a long downward spiral that often played out in the public eye, singer Amy Winehouse died tragically in 2011 at the age of just 27.
After reading these famous final words, check out our list of interesting quotes and history's best insults.