
Image Source: Bubblews
There are few insects more disgusting than cockroaches. Though common, these creepy insects emit vile odors, obnoxious sounds and show no fear in the presence of humans. Cockroaches are known for scurrying around restaurants, taking over homes and multiplying at lightning quick speeds.

Image Source: Orkin

Image Source: Peas in a Pod
Cockroaches are robust creatures that can survive in intolerable conditions–they can even live for weeks after decapitation. This pesky insect can travel up to 75 centimeters per second (or two miles per hour) and fit into the tiniest of cracks and crevices, making it a hard-to-eradicate pest threat. To uncover the various ways cockroaches have evolved to survive, despite being one of the most hated insects in the world, check out this short video clip:
If you enjoyed this look at frightening insects, check out our other posts on vintage ads and then check out the world’s most beautiful butterflies.