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Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini walk by a row of saluting Italian soldiers during a visit from Germany's new chancellor.
Venice, Italy. June 1934. Wikimedia Commons
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Young boys in the fascist youth group, the Opera Nazionale Balilla.
Italy. Date unspecified.Wikimedia Commons
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A group of girls in the Littorio fascist youth group.
The word "Duce" behind them is the title of dictator Benito Mussolini.
location unspecified. Circa 1937-1939.Wikimedia Commons
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A stoic face stares down from the facade of the Fascist Party Federation building.
Rome, Italy. 1934.Recuerdos de Pandora/Flickr
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Inside a massive Fascist Party rally.
Rome, Italy. 1937.New York Public Library
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A Nazi rally goes into full swing, held to welcome Italy's visiting German allies.
Rome, Italy. 1937.New York Public Library
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A gymnastics show performed by the Italian Youth of the Lictor, a youth movement of the Italian Fascist Party.
Milan, Italy. Circa 1937-1939.Wikimedia Commons
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Benito Mussolini delivers a speech.
Milan, Italy. May 1930.Wikimedia Commons
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A public gymnastics display.
Location unspecified. Circa 1923-1924.Wikimedia Commons
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Two girls dressed up like members of the ancient Roman Empire.
Rome, Italy. 1937.New York Public Library
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Benito Mussolini waves at a massive crowd of supporters.
Rome, Italy. Circa 1920-1930.Wikimedia Commons
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The Italian and Nazi flags fly side-by-side.
Rome, Italy. 1937.New York Public Library
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Children of the fascist youth consecrate a new flag, while dictator Mussolini looks on.
Rome, Italy. October 1931.Bundesarchiv
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Students salute the Italian flag.
Milan, Italy. 1929.Wikimedia Commons
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A public gymnastics display.
Location and date unspecified.Wikimedia Commons
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A group of young Italians in the Opera Nazionale Balilla fascist group.
Location unspecified. Circa 1920-1929.Wikimedia Commons
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Soldiers in Italy's Black Brigades, the ruling party's paramilitary arm.
Location and date unspecified.Wikimedia Commons
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An Italian soldier.
Location unspecified. 1943.Wikimedia Commons
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The inauguration of Littoria, Italy, a city created by Mussolini's fascist party.
December 1932.Wikimedia Commons
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Fashionable fascists dress up in anticipation of Mussolini's visit to their city.
Aosta, Italy. May 1939.Wikimedia Commons
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The dead body of a young woman hangs from a pole. She had been killed for resisting the National Fascist Party.
Rome, Italy. 1944.Wikimedia Commons
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Supporters of the Fascist Party march in a parade.
Milan, Italy. November 1928.Wikimedia Commons
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A Nazi general salutes a line of Italian troops before sending them off to fight the Allies.
Rome, Italy. March 1944.Bundesarchiv
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Benito Mussolini taps the cheek of a young boy in the Black Brigades. Brescia, Italy. 1945.Wikimedia Commons
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A propaganda photo shows massive tractors rolling into action and an Italian flag waving overhead.
Location unspecified. 1937.New York Public Library
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A soldier checks a civilian's papers.
Milan, Italy. 1944.Wikimedia Commons
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A young boy of the Opera Nazionale Balilla fascist youth group.
Rome, Italy. 1924.Wikimedia Commons
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School children pose for a photo. Behind them are graffiti tags saluting Mussolini as the "Duce" (leader) of Italy.
Marano, Italy. 1930.Wikimedia Commons
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Three boys of the fascist youth group show off their uniforms.
Location unspecified. 1925.Wikimedia Commons
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Members of the Black Brigades salute Benito Mussolini.
Rome, Italy. 1935.Wikimedia Commons
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A military ceremony, performed before the Altar of the Fatherland.
Rome, Italy. 1930.
Wikimedia Commons
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A crowd salutes Hitler and Mussolini, walking side-by-side.
Brenner Pass, Italy. 1937.New York Public Library
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Mussolini shows a visiting German the German Book Exposition he has put on in their honor, full of the greatest works by Nazi writers.
Rome, Italy. 1937.New York Public Library
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The Black Brigades stand at attention.
Rome, Italy. March 1936.Wikimedia Commons
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Mussolini and Adolf Hitler stand side-by-side during a visit from the Fuhrer.
Florence, Italy. 1937.New York Public Library
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Italian troops stand at attention, awaiting inspection from the Nazi General Kurt Mälzer.
Rome, Italy. March 1944.Wikimedia Commons
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An Italian resistance member, working with the British troops to fight the Germans in Italy.
Florence, Italy. August 1944.Wikimedia Commons
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An ensign in the Italian Navy stands at attention during an inspection.
Rome, Italy. March 1944.Bundesarchiv
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Germany soldiers carry away members of the Italian resistance.
Bolzano, Italy. November 1943.Wikimedia Commons
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German and Italian military officials confer.
Location unspecified. September 1943.Bundesarchiv
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Benito Mussolini speaks to a young Italian soldier, a member of the Black Brigades.
Location unspecified. 1944.Wikimedia Commons
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Three members of the Italian resistance are hanged for treason.
Rimini, Italy. 1945.Wikimedia Commons
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German and Italian soldiers clump eagerly together for a photo with Mussolini.
Abruzzo, Italy. September 1943.Wikimedia Commons
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The dead bodies of members of the Italian resistance lie in the streets.
Barletta, Italy. September 1943.Wikimedia Commons
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