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The Unbelievable Story Of Linda Napolitano, The New York Housewife Who Was Allegedly Abducted By Aliens

The Unbelievable Story Of Linda Napolitano, The New York Housewife Who Was Allegedly Abducted By Aliens

Linda Napolitano claimed that three aliens abducted her from her Manhattan apartment and beamed her into their ship on November 30, 1989. Her story was allegedly corroborated by 23 witnesses — but even some of the most staunch alien believers are skeptical.
This Trove Of 2,584 Silver Coins Just Sold For $5.6 Million And Became The Most Valuable Treasure In British History

This Trove Of 2,584 Silver Coins Just Sold For $5.6 Million And Became The Most Valuable Treasure In British History

In 2019, amateur metal detectorists in England's Chew Valley uncovered a hoard of 2,584 silver coins dating to between 1066 and 1068 — and now it's officially the most valuable treasure ever found in the United Kingdom.
The Horrific Story Of Arthur Shawcross, The ‘Genesee River Killer’ Who Murdered At Least 14 Victims

The Horrific Story Of Arthur Shawcross, The ‘Genesee River Killer’ Who Murdered At Least 14 Victims

In 1972, Arthur Shawcross confessed to killing two children in Watertown, New York. Though he was sentenced to 25 years in prison, he only served 15 — and he soon started killing again.
Amateur Historian Discovers Lost Story By ‘Dracula’ Author Bram Stoker In A Dublin Library

Amateur Historian Discovers Lost Story By ‘Dracula’ Author Bram Stoker In A Dublin Library

In 2023, Brian Cleary was browsing the National Library of Ireland when he uncovered a Bram Stoker short story called "Gibbet Hill" that's been lost since it was published in a Dublin newspaper in 1890.
Inside 13 Of The Most Terrifying Video Games Ever Made

Inside 13 Of The Most Terrifying Video Games Ever Made

From Resident Evil to Five Nights at Freddy's, these scary video games left players horrified by their eerie settings and haunting characters.
A Long-Lost Portuguese Colonial Settlement Was Just Discovered Beneath The Canopy Of The Amazon Rainforest

A Long-Lost Portuguese Colonial Settlement Was Just Discovered Beneath The Canopy Of The Amazon Rainforest

A team of researchers from the Amazônia Revelada project uncovered an 18th-century Portuguese settlement and several other archaeological sites in the Amazon rainforest using LiDAR technology.
Archaeologists Find The 2,000-Year-Old Temple Of An Ancient Arab Civilization Off The Coast Of Italy

Archaeologists Find The 2,000-Year-Old Temple Of An Ancient Arab Civilization Off The Coast Of Italy

The temple was dedicated to Dushara, a supreme god of the Nabataean civilization, which thrived in northern Arabia from the fourth century B.C.E. until it was annexed by the Roman Empire in 106 C.E.
Inside The History Of Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau’s Tomb — And Why It’s Constantly Vandalized

Inside The History Of Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau’s Tomb — And Why It’s Constantly Vandalized

Since Marie Laveau, the famed Voodoo priestess of 19th-century New Orleans, died in 1881, visitors have flocked to her tomb to honor her legacy in the historic city.
Archaeologists In Germany Just Uncovered A 2,600-Year-Old Burial Mound For A Celtic Prince That Measures 200 Feet Across

Archaeologists In Germany Just Uncovered A 2,600-Year-Old Burial Mound For A Celtic Prince That Measures 200 Feet Across

Because Celtic burials like these were often extremely large, they tended to attract grave robbers almost immediately, meaning that archaeologists have rarely found them intact.
Archaeologists In Greece Just Uncovered What May Be The Royal Tunic Of Alexander The Great

Archaeologists In Greece Just Uncovered What May Be The Royal Tunic Of Alexander The Great

While investigating Royal Tomb II in Vergina, Greece, researchers discovered several artifacts they believe once belonged to Alexander the Great, sparking a reevaluation of who might be buried in the tomb.
The Story Of Samhain, The Ancient Celtic Festival Of The Dead That Helps Explain The Origins Of Halloween

The Story Of Samhain, The Ancient Celtic Festival Of The Dead That Helps Explain The Origins Of Halloween

Celebrated between October 31 and November 1, Samhain is a pagan harvest festival during which the spirits of the dead are said to walk among the living — and it inspired many of the Halloween traditions we practice today.