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Betty and Barney Hill, The New Hampshire Couple Behind One Of The Most Famous ‘Alien Abductions’ Of All Time

Betty and Barney Hill, The New Hampshire Couple Behind One Of The Most Famous ‘Alien Abductions’ Of All Time

On September 19, 1961, Betty and Barney Hill claimed that they were abducted by aliens while driving through rural New Hampshire, then brought aboard their spaceship for a series of tests.
The Devastating History Of Bikini Atoll And The Cold War Nuclear Tests That Poisoned The Islands With Radiation

The Devastating History Of Bikini Atoll And The Cold War Nuclear Tests That Poisoned The Islands With Radiation

Between 1946 and 1958, the U.S. government carried out 23 nuclear weapons tests at Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean, forcing the native islanders to leave their homes and contaminating the reef with dangerous radiation levels that persist to this day.
The Blizzard Of 1888, The ‘Great White Hurricane’ That Paralyzed The East Coast For Days

The Blizzard Of 1888, The ‘Great White Hurricane’ That Paralyzed The East Coast For Days

The Great Blizzard of 1888 tore through the Eastern Seaboard without warning that March, severing telegraph lines, stranding thousands of passengers on elevated trains, and killing roughly 400 people.
Teddy Bears, Pet Rocks, And Tickle Me Elmo: Look Through 101 Of The Most Popular Christmas Toys From The Past Century

Teddy Bears, Pet Rocks, And Tickle Me Elmo: Look Through 101 Of The Most Popular Christmas Toys From The Past Century

These toys were at the top of children's Christmas lists between 1923 and 2023 — and some of them even sparked shopping frenzies.
How North Africa’s Berbers Have Preserved Their Way Of Life For Millennia

How North Africa’s Berbers Have Preserved Their Way Of Life For Millennia

The Berbers are a tenacious people who have lived in the Maghreb region of North Africa since the beginning of recorded human history — and they’ve fought fiercely to maintain their culture in the face of modernization and oppression.
How Being Hanged, Drawn, And Quartered Became The Most Brutal Punishment In History

How Being Hanged, Drawn, And Quartered Became The Most Brutal Punishment In History

The hanged, drawn, and quartered execution method was first devised in 13th-century England to punish men found guilty of high treason — and it was only abolished in 1870.
What Was The Satanic Panic? Inside The Mass Hysteria That Swept America In The 1980s And ’90s

What Was The Satanic Panic? Inside The Mass Hysteria That Swept America In The 1980s And ’90s

Beginning in the early 1980s, wild theories about ritual sexual abuse, widespread occultism, and Devil worship dominated news headlines and created a moral panic that led to unfounded accusations and even wrongful imprisonments.
Inside The Eerie ‘Lady Of The Dunes’ Murder On Cape Cod

Inside The Eerie ‘Lady Of The Dunes’ Murder On Cape Cod

The "Lady of the Dunes" was found on Cape Cod in 1974. Now, police have identified her as Ruth Marie Terry — and the killer as her husband Guy Mulvadin.
The Story Of John Mark Karr And The JonBenét Ramsey Case

The Story Of John Mark Karr And The JonBenét Ramsey Case

In 2006, John Mark Karr confessed to the December 1997 murder of six-year-old JonBenét Ramsey in Boulder, Colorado — but his claims were false.
Where Did Jack-O’-Lanterns Come From? Inside The Surprising History Of The Halloween Tradition

Where Did Jack-O’-Lanterns Come From? Inside The Surprising History Of The Halloween Tradition

The Celtic practice of carving faces into vegetables to ward off evil spirits spread to the United States with Irish immigrants in the 19th century — and soon jack-o'-lanterns were an iconic part of Halloween celebrations.
Inside The Stories Of 77 Interesting People You May Have Never Heard Of

Inside The Stories Of 77 Interesting People You May Have Never Heard Of

From "lion whisperer" Jack Bonavita to "America's first supermodel" Audrey Munson, these fascinating figures from history rarely show up in textbooks.