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This Week In History News, Jan. 21 – 27

This Week In History News, Jan. 21 – 27

Ancient Roman arm guard rebuilt in Scotland, Stone Age "chewing gum" found in Sweden, medieval gauntlet unearthed in Switzerland.
This Week In History News, Jan. 14 – 20

This Week In History News, Jan. 14 – 20

Sword from the Viking Age dredged up in Poland, network of ancient cities uncovered in the Amazon, fossils of prehistoric "terror beast" worms found in Greenland.
This Week In History News, Jan. 7 – 13

This Week In History News, Jan. 7 – 13

Mammoth tusk discovered by coal miners in North Dakota, Egyptian mummies found entombed with golden tongues, a medieval cemetery where people had graveside feasts unearthed in Wales.
This Week In History News, Dec. 31 – Jan. 6

This Week In History News, Dec. 31 – Jan. 6

Lavish Roman necropolis found in Italy, 2,000-year-old astronomical calendar uncovered in China, Scythian quivers made of human skin discovered in Ukraine.
This Week In History News, Dec. 10 – 16

This Week In History News, Dec. 10 – 16

Satanic curse tablet from the Middle Ages found in Germany, 700-year-old mace head unearthed in Poland, Roman prison bakery uncovered at Pompeii.
This Week In History News, Dec. 3 – 9

This Week In History News, Dec. 3 – 9

Mummies with "false heads" found in Peru, prehistoric cave dwelling uncovered in Spain, medieval coin with the face of Jesus unearthed in Norway.
This Week In History News, Nov. 26 – Dec. 2

This Week In History News, Nov. 26 – Dec. 2

Massive coin trove found at ancient shrine in Pakistan, thousands of animal bones discovered in Iron Age sacrifice pit in Spain, 1,400-year-old pagan temple uncovered in England.
This Week In History News, Nov. 12 – 18

This Week In History News, Nov. 12 – 18

Ancient grave filled with headhunting victims found in China, phallic Roman wind chime discovered in Serbia, cache of ancient coins uncovered near Sardinia.
This Week In History News, Nov. 5 – 11

This Week In History News, Nov. 5 – 11

Ancient tomb covered in anti-snake spells found in Egypt, human remains with a hollowed-out face unearthed in Germany, Bronze Age meeting hall uncovered near Berlin.
This Week In History News, Oct. 29 – Nov. 4

This Week In History News, Oct. 29 – Nov. 4

Ancient bull deity statue unearthed in Iraq, 7,000-year-old shark tooth knives found in Indonesia, 400-year-old prosthetic hand discovered in Germany.
This Week In History News, Oct. 22 – 28

This Week In History News, Oct. 22 – 28

Ancient rock carvings revealed in Brazil, Christ tattoo found on 1,300-year-old body unearthed in Sudan, massive Neolithic tomb discovered in Scotland.