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Schwerer Gustav, Germany’s World War II Weapon That Was The Largest Gun In World History

Schwerer Gustav, Germany’s World War II Weapon That Was The Largest Gun In World History

Built by Krupp in 1941, the Schwerer Gustav railway gun was the Nazis' "miracle weapon" that could blast through 20 feet of concrete from nearly 30 miles away.
‘The Archives Of The Planet’: 77 Color Photographs Of The World In The Early 1900s

‘The Archives Of The Planet’: 77 Color Photographs Of The World In The Early 1900s

From Parisian flower sellers to Chinese monks, see what the world actually looked like a century ago with these striking autochrome images.
Who Were Chang And Eng Bunker, The ‘Original’ Siamese Twins?

Who Were Chang And Eng Bunker, The ‘Original’ Siamese Twins?

Exhibited as curiosities in the 19th century, conjoined twin brothers Chang and Eng Bunker were two of America's most infamous showmen.
This Week In History News, Mar. 10 – 16

This Week In History News, Mar. 10 – 16

Neolithic cobra pottery unearthed in Taiwan, missing half of Ramses II statue found in Egypt, mass grave filled with plague victims discovered in Germany.
The Astounding Life Of Kim Peek, The Real-Life Inspiration For The Film ‘Rain Man’

The Astounding Life Of Kim Peek, The Real-Life Inspiration For The Film ‘Rain Man’

Kim Peek's one-of-a-kind brain allowed him to read two pages of a book at once, recite the day of the week for any date in history, and memorize some 12,000 volumes.
This Week In History News, Mar. 3 – 9

This Week In History News, Mar. 3 – 9

Sweater from 1807 found inside a sealed parcel in the UK, 8,600-year-old bread discovered in Turkey, medieval badge depicting a basilisk unearthed in Poland.
This Week In History News, Feb. 25 – Mar. 2

This Week In History News, Feb. 25 – Mar. 2

Porridge-covered Stone Age pot unearthed in Germany, colonial armor discovered in Maryland, ancient bronze hand inscribed with mysterious writing found in Spain.
This Week In History News, Feb. 18 – 24

This Week In History News, Feb. 18 – 24

Roman funerary urn unearthed in Italy, 19th-century chocolate factory discovered in Spain, Iron Age cemetery found with humans alongside dogs and horses.
This Week In History News, Feb. 11 – 17

This Week In History News, Feb. 11 – 17

Intact Roman chicken egg found in England, 3,600-year-old lipstick unearthed in Iran, millennia-old hallucinogens discovered in the Netherlands.
This Week In History News, Feb. 4 – 10

This Week In History News, Feb. 4 – 10

Pompeii scrolls deciphered using AI, seventh-century armored warrior unearthed in Hungary, Roman funerary bed found in London.
This Week In History News, Jan. 28 – Feb. 3

This Week In History News, Jan. 28 – Feb. 3

Ancient knife inscribed with runes found in Denmark, Roman toilet spoon unearthed in Wales, Maya jade mask discovered in Guatemala.