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Study Reveals That Hand Silhouettes Found In Spain Are The Oldest Cave Paintings In The World — And Were Made By Neanderthals 66,000 Years Ago

Study Reveals That Hand Silhouettes Found In Spain Are The Oldest Cave Paintings In The World — And Were Made By Neanderthals 66,000 Years Ago

Scientists used uranium-thorium dating to determine that some of the hand paintings in Spain's Maltravieso cave are 66,700 years old, making them the first major evidence of Neanderthal art.
Archaeologists In Türkiye Think They’ve Uncovered The Tomb Of Saint Nicholas, The Inspiration For Santa Claus

Archaeologists In Türkiye Think They’ve Uncovered The Tomb Of Saint Nicholas, The Inspiration For Santa Claus

Researchers excavating at the Church of Saint Nicholas in Demre, Türkiye believe they may have found his burial, finally settling the centuries-old mystery surrounding his resting place.
Archaeologists In Germany Discover 2,800-Year-Old Baking Equipment While Preparing For Construction Of A New Bakery

Archaeologists In Germany Discover 2,800-Year-Old Baking Equipment While Preparing For Construction Of A New Bakery

Remnants of the ancient bakery include several cooking pits filled with charcoal and grain residue and a grinding stone used to mill flour.
Ruby Slippers Worn By Judy Garland In ‘The Wizard Of Oz’ Sell At Auction For $28 Million

Ruby Slippers Worn By Judy Garland In ‘The Wizard Of Oz’ Sell At Auction For $28 Million

This astonishing sale, in which the shoes' price exceeded estimates by $25 million, came 19 years after the slippers were stolen from Minnesota's Judy Garland Museum.
The Story Of Vic Morrow And His Gruesome Death During The ‘Twilight Zone’ Movie Accident

The Story Of Vic Morrow And His Gruesome Death During The ‘Twilight Zone’ Movie Accident

Vic Morrow was accidentally decapitated while filming a scene for Twilight Zone: The Movie when a helicopter hovering overhead crashed into him and two child actors.
A Shipwreck From The Sixth Century B.C.E. Has Been Discovered Off The Coast Of Sicily

A Shipwreck From The Sixth Century B.C.E. Has Been Discovered Off The Coast Of Sicily

Alongside the 2,500-year-old shipwreck, archaeologists discovered four prehistoric stone anchors and two iron anchors dating to the seventh century C.E.
Who Was Michael Kennedy? Inside The Career, Scandals, And Untimely Death Of RFK’s 6th Child

Who Was Michael Kennedy? Inside The Career, Scandals, And Untimely Death Of RFK’s 6th Child

The son of Robert F. Kennedy, Michael Kennedy was a lawyer and activist who tragically died in a skiing accident in Aspen, Colorado in 1997.
Young Boy Discovers A 40,000-Year-Old Neanderthal Hand Ax On An English Beach

Young Boy Discovers A 40,000-Year-Old Neanderthal Hand Ax On An English Beach

A nine-year-old named Ben Witten found a shiny stone at Shoreham Beach in 2021, but a recent trip to a museum led him to discover that he's actually had a Neanderthal hand ax on display in his bedroom for the past three years.
Feeding Cows Seaweed May Hold The Key To Reducing Their Methane Emissions — And Helping Solve Climate Change

Feeding Cows Seaweed May Hold The Key To Reducing Their Methane Emissions — And Helping Solve Climate Change

A recent study found that seaweed can reduce grazing cows' methane emissions by up to 40 percent, a discovery that may have implications for battling climate change.
11 Unbelievable Treasures Purchased At Thrift Stores For Far Less Than Their True Worth

11 Unbelievable Treasures Purchased At Thrift Stores For Far Less Than Their True Worth

From a medieval chess piece to a long-lost Fabergé egg, these items were purchased at thrift stores and flea markets for as little as $2 — then turned out to be priceless artifacts.
Mega Penguins, The Incredible Prehistoric Birds That Were As Tall As Humans

Mega Penguins, The Incredible Prehistoric Birds That Were As Tall As Humans

Millions of years ago, the world was crawling with “mega penguins” like the Palaeeudyptes klekowskii, which stood nearly seven feet tall, and the ​​Kumimanu fordycei, which weighed some 350 pounds — but why did they go extinct?