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1,500-Year-Old Shipwreck Filled With 10,000 Ceramic Plates Discovered Off The Coast Of Türkiye

1,500-Year-Old Shipwreck Filled With 10,000 Ceramic Plates Discovered Off The Coast Of Türkiye

Dating to the fifth century C.E., the ship is believed to have sunk during a storm while transporting its massive load of ceramics across the Aegean Sea.
‘Alien Plant’ Fossil Discovered In Utah Desert Doesn’t Belong To Any Known Species On Planet Earth

‘Alien Plant’ Fossil Discovered In Utah Desert Doesn’t Belong To Any Known Species On Planet Earth

Othniophyton elongatum lived 47 million years ago, but scientists can't find any modern or extinct plant families that it may have belonged to.
When Humans Go Extinct, An Oxford Professor Believes Octopuses Will Be The Next To Build Civilizations On Earth

When Humans Go Extinct, An Oxford Professor Believes Octopuses Will Be The Next To Build Civilizations On Earth

Oxford researcher Tim Coulson suggests that octopuses, with their exceptional intelligence, adaptability, and problem-solving skills, could evolve into a civilization-building species if humans were to go extinct.
Virginia Bear Hunter Dies In Freak Hunting Accident After Bear Falls Out Of Tree And Crushes Him

Virginia Bear Hunter Dies In Freak Hunting Accident After Bear Falls Out Of Tree And Crushes Him

A member of Lester Harvey's hunting group shot a black bear out of a tree while Harvey was standing just feet from the trunk.
Archaeologists Discover A 7,000-Year-Old Clay Figurine In Kuwait That Bears A Chilling Resemblance To An Alien

Archaeologists Discover A 7,000-Year-Old Clay Figurine In Kuwait That Bears A Chilling Resemblance To An Alien

Archaeologists excavating a site in Kuwait that was once home to the prehistoric Ubaid culture unearthed a figurine with alien-like features that dates back to the sixth millennium B.C.E.
Archaeologists Find Oldest Evidence Of Christianity North Of The Alps Inside An 1,800-Year-Old Silver Amulet

Archaeologists Find Oldest Evidence Of Christianity North Of The Alps Inside An 1,800-Year-Old Silver Amulet

A tiny scroll hidden within the inch-long amulet contained 18 lines of explicitly Christian text inscribed in Latin.
Lloyd Avery II, The ‘Boyz n the Hood’ Actor Who Became A Real-Life Killer

Lloyd Avery II, The ‘Boyz n the Hood’ Actor Who Became A Real-Life Killer

After famously playing the character who shot Ricky Baker in the 1991 film "Boyz n the Hood," Lloyd Avery II was found guilty of killing two people over a drug debt in 1999.
Archaeologists Just Unearthed Ritual Burials Of Four Dogs From 700 B.C.E. In The Sacred City Of Harran, Türkiye

Archaeologists Just Unearthed Ritual Burials Of Four Dogs From 700 B.C.E. In The Sacred City Of Harran, Türkiye

The burials date back 2,700 years and are believed to be associated with Gula, the ancient Mesopotamian goddess of healing.
Wanda Holloway, The ‘Pom Pom Mom’ Who Hired A Hitman To Kill The Mother Of Her Daughter’s Cheerleading Rival

Wanda Holloway, The ‘Pom Pom Mom’ Who Hired A Hitman To Kill The Mother Of Her Daughter’s Cheerleading Rival

Outraged that her daughter Shanna hadn't made the cheerleading team two years in a row, Texas mom Wanda Holloway hired a hitman in 1991 to try and kill the mother of Shanna's rival — in the hopes of making room for Shanna on the team.
The Sad Story Of Keith Papini, The Ex-Husband Of Kidnapping Hoaxer Sherri Papini

The Sad Story Of Keith Papini, The Ex-Husband Of Kidnapping Hoaxer Sherri Papini

When Sherri Papini vanished from her Redding, California neighborhood in November 2016, Keith Papini led the search to find his wife — but even though she later returned and claimed to have been kidnapped, it was all a lie.
The Lost Graves Of 28 Enslaved Laborers Were Just Found On President Andrew Jackson’s Nashville Estate

The Lost Graves Of 28 Enslaved Laborers Were Just Found On President Andrew Jackson’s Nashville Estate

When Andrew Jackson died in 1845, 150 enslaved laborers lived and worked at his Nashville estate, the Hermitage.