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The Disturbing Story Of Mitchelle Blair, The Michigan Mom Who Killed Her Kids And Stuffed Them In The Freezer

The Disturbing Story Of Mitchelle Blair, The Michigan Mom Who Killed Her Kids And Stuffed Them In The Freezer

Mitchelle Blair brutally tortured and murdered two of her children, then stored their bodies in her freezer for over two years while she and her remaining kids continued on living in that very same house.
New Hampshire Man Who Lived In A Trailer Park For Decades Leaves $3.8 Million To His Town After His Death

New Hampshire Man Who Lived In A Trailer Park For Decades Leaves $3.8 Million To His Town After His Death

Despite his small fortune, Geoffrey Holt lived very frugally in a mobile home almost devoid of furniture and opted to drive around town on a lawnmower rather than in a car. Until he died, no one knew he was a millionaire.
Archaeologists Just Discovered The Possible Remains Of A 1,400-Year-Old Pagan Temple In England

Archaeologists Just Discovered The Possible Remains Of A 1,400-Year-Old Pagan Temple In England

The structure was unearthed at the site of a larger Anglo-Saxon settlement that archaeologists believe was a "center of royalty" around the 7th century C.E.
The Unbelievable True Story Of Angus Barbieri, The Man Who Went 382 Days Without Eating

The Unbelievable True Story Of Angus Barbieri, The Man Who Went 382 Days Without Eating

Angus Barbieri consumed nothing but vitamins and zero-calorie beverages for over a year while on history’s longest fast — which helped him lose 276 pounds.
The Legend Of Mel’s Hole, The Magical Bottomless Pit Said To Be Hiding Somewhere In Washington State

The Legend Of Mel’s Hole, The Magical Bottomless Pit Said To Be Hiding Somewhere In Washington State

In 1997, a mysterious man named Mel Waters called into a radio show, claiming to have discovered a bottomless pit with the ability to resurrect animals from the dead — but no official record of Mel's Hole has ever been found.
An Alabama Woman Who Was Born With Two Uteruses Is Now Pregnant In Both Of Them

An Alabama Woman Who Was Born With Two Uteruses Is Now Pregnant In Both Of Them

Thanks to a rare condition called uterus didelphys, Kelsey Hatcher is pregnant with two girls, but each baby is growing in a separate uterus.
What Happened To Patrick McDermott, Olivia Newton-John’s Boyfriend Who Vanished Without A Trace?

What Happened To Patrick McDermott, Olivia Newton-John’s Boyfriend Who Vanished Without A Trace?

Patrick McDermott was said to be lost at sea after he disappeared on an overnight fishing trip in June 2005 — but some investigators believe he's still alive.
More Than 3,000 Roman Coins And Gems Unearthed At Italy’s ‘Pompeii Of The North’

More Than 3,000 Roman Coins And Gems Unearthed At Italy’s ‘Pompeii Of The North’

Archaeologists discovered this treasure trove in the ruins of a theater in the ancient Roman city of Claterna, confirming that the site was once a major commerce center for Romans.
The Puking Pūteketeke Just Won New Zealand’s ‘Bird Of The Century’ Contest — Thanks To A Campaign From John Oliver

The Puking Pūteketeke Just Won New Zealand’s ‘Bird Of The Century’ Contest — Thanks To A Campaign From John Oliver

"They are weird, puking birds with colorful mullets. What's not to love here?"
A Rare Ovarian Tumor With Teeth Was Found In The Body Of An Egyptian Woman Buried Three Millennia Ago

A Rare Ovarian Tumor With Teeth Was Found In The Body Of An Egyptian Woman Buried Three Millennia Ago

Identified as a teratoma, a rare type of tumor made up of tissues like muscle, hair, or bone, the tumor is the oldest of its kind ever discovered.
A Scuba Diver Just Discovered A Massive Treasure Cache Of Tens Of Thousands Of Ancient Roman Coins

A Scuba Diver Just Discovered A Massive Treasure Cache Of Tens Of Thousands Of Ancient Roman Coins

The coins, which date back to the 4th century, were preserved in excellent condition, with archaeologists saying even the most weathered were still legible.