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How Old Alton Bridge Became The Famed Goatman’s Bridge

How Old Alton Bridge Became The Famed Goatman’s Bridge

According to Texas lore, Goatman's Bridge is said to be haunted by the vengeful spirit of a Black farmer named Oscar Washburn who was murdered in the 1930s.
Meet The Mongolian Death Worm, The Cryptid Armed With Spikes, Venom, And Electric Shocks

Meet The Mongolian Death Worm, The Cryptid Armed With Spikes, Venom, And Electric Shocks

For decades, cryptozoologists have searched for the Mongolian Death Worm, a five-foot monster with bright red skin that's said to slither through the desert.
10-Year-Old Boy Discovers An 18th-Century Sword With A Metal Detector He Just Got For His Birthday

10-Year-Old Boy Discovers An 18th-Century Sword With A Metal Detector He Just Got For His Birthday

The sword is believed to have been an English officers' sword from about 300 years ago.
How Cerro Gordo Went From A Silver Boomtown To An Abandoned Ghost Town

How Cerro Gordo Went From A Silver Boomtown To An Abandoned Ghost Town

At the turn of the 20th century, Cerro Gordo was a bustling mining town that once averaged a murder a week. Today, it sits abandoned — and is allegedly haunted.
This Ancient Human Brain Remained Almost Perfectly Intact For 2,600 Years — And Experts Might Finally Know Why

This Ancient Human Brain Remained Almost Perfectly Intact For 2,600 Years — And Experts Might Finally Know Why

A new study found that a mysterious compound could have protected the Heslington Brain from being attacked by destructive enzymes.
Spanish Fisherman Accidentally Discovers Medieval Virgin Mary Statue

Spanish Fisherman Accidentally Discovers Medieval Virgin Mary Statue

At first glance, the statue looked like a moss-covered river rock. On closer inspection, experts say it likely hung on the wall of an unidentified building in the 14th century.
Early Humans Used 2-Million-Year-Old Stone Balls To Get To Bone Marrow, New Study Finds

Early Humans Used 2-Million-Year-Old Stone Balls To Get To Bone Marrow, New Study Finds

A new study on the cache of unique stone balls uncovered at Qesem Cave has unraveled the puzzle which has long bewildered archaeologists.
25 Stunning Photos Of Hegra, The Ancient City That Sat Untouched For 2,000 Years

25 Stunning Photos Of Hegra, The Ancient City That Sat Untouched For 2,000 Years

Built by a pre-Islamic society in what is now Saudi Arabia, Hegra was the second city of the Nabataean kingdom.
Researchers May Have Recreated Cleopatra’s Perfume Thanks To 2,000-Year-Old Residue

Researchers May Have Recreated Cleopatra’s Perfume Thanks To 2,000-Year-Old Residue

Cleopatra's perfume was so legendary that Marc Antony could supposedly smell the queen from miles away before her ships even arrived on the shores of his kingdom.
Da Vinci’s Secret Drawing Underneath The ‘Mona Lisa’ Reveals How Different This Masterpiece Almost Was

Da Vinci’s Secret Drawing Underneath The ‘Mona Lisa’ Reveals How Different This Masterpiece Almost Was

Scientist Pascal Cotte scoured 1,650 high-tech camera images over the course of 15 years to uncover the sketch.
Why Police Said Rey Rivera’s Death Was A Suicide — And Why The Puzzling Evidence Says Otherwise

Why Police Said Rey Rivera’s Death Was A Suicide — And Why The Puzzling Evidence Says Otherwise

Rey Rivera was just 32 years old when he vanished without a trace on May 16, 2006. A week later, he was found dead in Baltimore's Belvedere Hotel.