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Submarine With Two Bodies And $87 Million Worth Of Cocaine Discovered Off Colombian Coast

Submarine With Two Bodies And $87 Million Worth Of Cocaine Discovered Off Colombian Coast

The Colombian Navy intercepted a submarine that had roughly 5,800 pounds of cocaine onboard, preventing its distribution.
The Chilling Story Of The Branch Davidians And The Waco Siege

The Chilling Story Of The Branch Davidians And The Waco Siege

Once an obscure offshoot of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the Branch Davidians' Waco compound was raided by the FBI in 1993, leading to the deaths of 76 members.
The Story Of Traute Lafrenz Page And Her Fight Against The Nazis As A Member Of The ‘White Rose’ Resistance Group

The Story Of Traute Lafrenz Page And Her Fight Against The Nazis As A Member Of The ‘White Rose’ Resistance Group

Traute Lafrenz Page was in her early 20s when she joined the White Rose and she ultimately managed to survive the war even though many of the group's other members were executed.
Inside Phrenology, The Bizarre Turn-Of-The-Century ‘Study’ Of Head Shapes

Inside Phrenology, The Bizarre Turn-Of-The-Century ‘Study’ Of Head Shapes

Considered a pseudoscience today, phrenology once claimed to predict a person's character and mental traits based on the shape of their head.
How Many Children Did King Henry VIII Have? The Answer Is A Little Complicated

How Many Children Did King Henry VIII Have? The Answer Is A Little Complicated

Henry VIII of England had three legitimate heirs who went on to rule as Edward VI, Mary I, and Elizabeth I — but even during his reign it was common knowledge that he had illegitimate offspring as well.
A Big Cat Native To Africa Was Just Captured In Ohio — With Cocaine In Its System

A Big Cat Native To Africa Was Just Captured In Ohio — With Cocaine In Its System

The African serval named Amorie has been taken in by the Cincinnati Zoo after being treated for a broken leg.
English Metal Detectorists Stumble Across A 2,000-Year-Old Figurine With An Oversized Phallus

English Metal Detectorists Stumble Across A 2,000-Year-Old Figurine With An Oversized Phallus

The figurine dates to the first century C.E. and was likely a representation of a fertility god.
The Boston Strangler And His Murder Spree That Left 13 Women Dead

The Boston Strangler And His Murder Spree That Left 13 Women Dead

Police believe Albert DeSalvo was likely the Boston Strangler, but questions still remain about the true identity of this infamous 1960s serial killer.
Crinoline, The Fatal Fashion Trend That Killed Thousands Of Women During The Victorian Era

Crinoline, The Fatal Fashion Trend That Killed Thousands Of Women During The Victorian Era

Wide skirts were all the rage among Victorians — but the extremely flammable nature of crinolines meant that women routinely burned alive while wearing them.
DNA From Four American Presidents Is About To Be Launched Into Deep Space

DNA From Four American Presidents Is About To Be Launched Into Deep Space

The space burial company Celestis will include DNA from presidents George Washington, Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan on their upcoming memorial flight.
Rare Photos Capture Flourishing Wildlife In The Demilitarized Zone Between North And South Korea

Rare Photos Capture Flourishing Wildlife In The Demilitarized Zone Between North And South Korea

Golden eagles, mountain goats, black bears, and more have thrived in the uninhabited Korean DMZ for the past 70 years.