Petrifying Insects: Puss Caterpillar

Image Source: DFW Urban Wildlife
The puss caterpillar, also known as the southern flannel moth or Megalopyge opercularis, is one of the world’s most venomous caterpillars. Both the caterpillar and moth version of this creepy insect are visually stunning, and are covered in long “fur,” leading to it being called the “puss” caterpillar (as in pussy cat).

Image Source: The Dirt Doctor

Image Source: Fine Art America
However, the puss caterpillar’s “fur” is actually a mass of venomous spines that can cause severe symptoms like burning, swelling, nausea and even blisters. An unsuspecting person or child might pick up the inch-long fuzzy-looking caterpillar, only to find themselves in instant agony. Each spine is hollow and equipped with a venom gland at the base. When a person is stung, these spines must be removed. See the puss caterpillar in action in this short video clip:
Next up: The winner of the Sweet-Sounding Name With A Terrifying Reason Behind It Award…