Scary Insects: Scorpionfly

Image Source: The Flying Kiwi
Scorpionflies have found a place on this list of creepy insects because, well, just look at them. With their elongated snout and extended abdomen (the tip of which is actually the male genitalia), this ugly-looking species seems to be a mismatched combination of a scorpion and a red flying beetle. Surprisingly, the scorpionfly is harmless, and common in various parts of the world.

Image Source: Wild About Britain

Image Source: Wikipedia
To lure female scorpionflies, male insects will offer a “nuptial meal” of secretions or food with the hope of finding a mate. While a meal is not required, many female flies expect to be wined and dined.
Being the tricky, creepy insects they are, some male scorpionflies pose as females to steal food offerings from their peers and hence gain an advantage over other male scorpionflies. We snagged a video of two male scorpionflies duking it out:
Next up: You know them, and, if you’re really unlucky, have had contact with them…