Kristy Bamu’s Fatal Exorcism
Not every exorcism ends with a success story. In fact, many real-life exorcisms are fatal after suffering. And that is especially true in cases of unsanctioned exorcisms. For 15-year-old Parisian Kristy Bamu, the suffering was at the hands of none other than his own sister and her boyfriend.
In 2010, Bamu traveled from Paris to London with his two sisters and a brother for Christmas to visit their 27-year-old sister, Magalie, and her boyfriend, Eric Bikubi.
Suddenly, he found himself a target of their fanatic religious beliefs. Magalie and Eric were obsessed with the evils of witchcraft and not only deemed the teenager possessed but accused him of casting spells.
Determined to cast the spirits out, Magalie and Eric deprived Kristy of food and water for three days. They stabbed him with knives, beat him with metal bars and a hammer, and eventually drowned him in the bathtub of their east London flat. When the authorities found his body, they noted his teeth had been knocked out.
“Kristy died in unimaginable circumstances at the hands of people he loved and trusted — people we all loved and trusted,” said the teen’s father, Pierre. “I feel betrayed. To know that Kristy’s own sister, Magalie, did nothing to save him makes that pain much worse.”
Charged with murder, Bikubi and Magalie claimed at trial that the teenager had “begged to die” before he slipped in the bathtub he was kept in and drowned. Bikubi’s defense lawyer argued he was mentally impaired, while Magalie’s lawyer argued Bikubi had forced her to help him torture the boy.
Together, they also forced Kristy’s younger siblings to help in the “ritual cleansing.” Kristy Bamu had been beaten until he confessed to witchcraft and asked for forgiveness. At that point, however, he had suffered 130 injuries.
Eric Bikubi was sentenced to 30 years in prison, while Magalie Bamu receive a minimum of 25 years.