A Vacationer Just Stumbled Upon An Ancient Roman Sarcophagus Inexplicably Sitting On A Bulgarian Beach

Published July 26, 2024

Experts believe that this sarcophagus discovered on a beach along the Black Sea in Varna likely dates back to the 2nd or 3rd century C.E.

Roman Sarcophagus On Bulgarian Beach

Bulgarian Ministry of Interior The Roman sarcophagus discovered on a beach in Varna, Bulgaria.

Earlier this week, a vacationer in Varna, Bulgaria happened upon something truly unexpected. While enjoying a walk on the beach next to his nearby resort, the man came across what looked to be an ancient Roman sarcophagus.

The sarcophagus, painted white and fitted with a modern lid, appeared to serve as a table for beachgoers. Now, researchers from the local history museum have taken on the task of analyzing the sarcophagus to determine its authenticity and the larger story behind it.

And while experts study the sarcophagus, local law enforcement alongside the Varna District Prosecutor’s Office have opened up investigations into how it ended up on the beach in the first place.

A Vacationer Stumbles Upon An Ancient Roman Sarcophagus On A Bulgarian Beach

On July 23, a former law enforcement officer vacationing at the Sts. Constantine and Helena resort in Varna, Bulgaria discovered an unlikely piece of ancient history.

Sitting right there on the beach, which was located next to a construction site, was an ornate Roman sarcophagus carved out of marble. The vacationer immediately called the local police to report the find, and soon experts from the Varna Archaeological Museum and a representative from the local office of the Culture Ministry Directorate for the Protection of Cultural Heritage arrived on the scene to analyze it.

Upon initial inspection, experts believed that the sarcophagus dated as far back as the Imperial Roman Period in the 2nd or 3rd century C.E.

Roman Sarcophagus Found In Varna Bulgaria

Bulgarian Ministry of Interior The sarcophagus found in Varna, Bulgaria without its modern top.

With the help of the Regional Department for Fire Safety and Civil Protection, workers from the Varna Archaeological Museum safely transported the sarcophagus to their facility for further evaluation.

If proven authentic, the sarcophagus would be yet another addition to Bulgaria’s rich history with Roman artifacts. Just earlier this month, in fact, researchers discovered an ancient Roman statue of Hermes in a Bulgarian sewer.

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Where Did The Sarcophagus Come From?

During their examination, specialists found that the 3 x 7.7 x 2.4-foot sarcophagus featured detailed designs characteristic of other Roman sarcophagi. These relief decorations included garlands, leaves, grapes, animal heads, and other stylized flourishes.

Interestingly, the sarcophagus lacked its original lid. This is not uncommon with similar finds, but it does raise questions about the item’s origins and use.

When the vacationer originally discovered the sarcophagus, it was fitted with a new lid and painted, likely to serve as a table.

Now, Milen Marinov, an expert with the local history museum who has joined the sarcophagus research team, told local news outlets that they have begun the process of scraping off the exterior paint to see if any of its original coloring still exists.

“We want to see what is under it, whether any of the original coloring has remained, what technique was used to make it – all of the information that will tell us if the sarcophagus is authentic. We have just started, we can’t say anything for sure,” Marinov told the Bulgarian News Agency.

The museum has also stated that there is a small possibility the sarcophagus is not ancient at all. It could be “authentic, touched-up authentic or something that somebody has ordered to be made for them [to look old]. There are many ways to make something new look ancient,” Marinov stated.

As for how the sarcophagus ended up on the beach, Bulgaria’s Ministry of Interior has not made any statements. A case has been opened with the Varna District Prosecutor’s Office and an investigation is currently underway.

After reading about the Roman sarcophagus discovered on a Bulgarian beach, dive into another bizarre story from Bulgaria: the disappearance of German tourist Lars Mittank from the Varna Airport. Then, dive into the hunt for the mysterious tomb of Cleopatra.

Amber Morgan
Amber Morgan is an Editorial Fellow for All That's Interesting. She graduated from the University of Florida with a degree in political science, history, and Russian. Previously, she worked as a content creator for America House Kyiv, a Ukrainian organization focused on inspiring and engaging youth through cultural exchanges.
John Kuroski
John Kuroski is the editorial director of All That's Interesting. He graduated from New York University with a degree in history, earning a place in the Phi Alpha Theta honor society for history students. An editor at All That's Interesting since 2015, his areas of interest include modern history and true crime.
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Morgan, Amber. "A Vacationer Just Stumbled Upon An Ancient Roman Sarcophagus Inexplicably Sitting On A Bulgarian Beach." AllThatsInteresting.com, July 26, 2024, https://allthatsinteresting.com/roman-sarcophagus-varna-beach-bulgaria. Accessed September 7, 2024.