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The Reign Of Charles II, The Inbred Spanish King Who Was ‘So Ugly’ That He Scared His Own Wife

The Reign Of Charles II, The Inbred Spanish King Who Was ‘So Ugly’ That He Scared His Own Wife

King Charles II of Spain suffered from numerous physical and cognitive disabilities due to generations of inbreeding, and since his genetics rendered him infertile as well, the Spanish Habsburg dynasty came to an end when he died in 1700.
The Death Of John Denver And The Plane Crash Behind It

The Death Of John Denver And The Plane Crash Behind It

After losing control of the experimental aircraft he was piloting, John Denver died when his plane crashed into Monterey Bay on October 12, 1997.
The Hanging Gardens Of Babylon: Was This Ancient Wonder Real?

The Hanging Gardens Of Babylon: Was This Ancient Wonder Real?

With no archaeological evidence ever found, scholars have long debated where the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were located — or if they were even real.
What Does Human Meat Taste Like? Stomach-Churning Anecdotes From Notorious Cannibals

What Does Human Meat Taste Like? Stomach-Churning Anecdotes From Notorious Cannibals

Human flesh is technically considered red meat, and most cannibals say it tastes like pork with a consistency of beef — though others have compared it to everything from raw tuna to roast turkey.
Inside Frank Capone’s Ruthless Crimes And Untimely Demise

Inside Frank Capone’s Ruthless Crimes And Untimely Demise

Raised in Brooklyn alongside his brother Al, Frank Capone followed mobster Johnny Torrio to Chicago in the 1920s and helped build the city's crime family.
Tex Watson: The Gruesome Story Of Charles Manson’s Right-Hand Man

Tex Watson: The Gruesome Story Of Charles Manson’s Right-Hand Man

Tex Watson was just a young man from Texas in 1969 when he came under the spell of drugs and Charles Manson — and helped kill seven people.
The Disturbing Story Of Zachary Davis, The 15-Year-Old Who Bludgeoned His Mother And Tried To Burn His Brother Alive

The Disturbing Story Of Zachary Davis, The 15-Year-Old Who Bludgeoned His Mother And Tried To Burn His Brother Alive

Zachary Davis had a history of mental disturbance, but no one could have predicted that the Tennessee teen would beat his mother to death one night in August 2012.
The Brutal History Of The Thumbscrew, The Torture Device That Left Victims With Crushed Fingers And Toes

The Brutal History Of The Thumbscrew, The Torture Device That Left Victims With Crushed Fingers And Toes

A torture device commonly used to elicit prisoner confessions in early modern Europe, the thumbscrew was designed to crush victims’ fingers or toes, leaving them in incredible pain — but alive.
The Story Of Judge Roy Bean, The Eccentric Wild West Judge Known For His Outrageous Verdicts

The Story Of Judge Roy Bean, The Eccentric Wild West Judge Known For His Outrageous Verdicts

Despite having no legal experience, Roy Bean was appointed a justice of the peace in Pecos County, Texas to help establish law and order there in the 19th century — and he did so in the most Wild West way imaginable.
Was Wayne Williams Really The Serial Killer Responsible For The Atlanta Child Murders?

Was Wayne Williams Really The Serial Killer Responsible For The Atlanta Child Murders?

Between 1979 and 1981, at least 28 children and young adults were murdered across Atlanta. Was Wayne Williams their killer?
The Japanese Cult Aum Shinrikyo Believed They Alone Would Survive The Apocalypse — So They Decided To Start It On Their Own

The Japanese Cult Aum Shinrikyo Believed They Alone Would Survive The Apocalypse — So They Decided To Start It On Their Own

Aum Shinrikyo was founded in 1980s Japan as a yoga and meditation group, but before long, leader Shoko Asahara pushed the group toward chemical weapons manufacturing and terrorist attacks.