The Fearless Mercy Dogs Of World War I

Library of CongressThousands of mercy dogs served during World War I, bringing medical supplies and comfort to wounded and dying men on the battlefields.
Though the famous dogs we’ve covered so far all had names and well-known stories, some heroic dogs toiled in anonymity. That was certainly true for the tens of thousands of so-called mercy dogs who helped soldiers during World War I.
Also called Red Cross dogs, ambulance dogs, or casualty dogs, these canines were specially trained in Germany, Britain, and France to administer aid to soldiers on the battlefield. In Britain, such dogs were accustomed to the sound of gunfire and trained to find people, pass by dead bodies, wear tiny gas masks, and even ignore German uniforms.
“Shells from batteries at practice were screaming overhead, and army motor lorries passed to and fro,” a journalist who visited the British War Dog School once wrote, according to the Red Cross. “The dogs are trained to the constant sound of the guns and very soon learn to take no heed of them.”

Library of CongressMercy dogs underwent special training to accustom them to the sound of gunfire.
During the war, Airedales, German Shepherds, Doberman Pinschers, Boxers, and other breeds were put to work. They carried medical supplies on their backs so that wounded soldiers could treat themselves until help came. If a troop was severely wounded, the dogs were trained to tear off a piece of his uniform and run it back to the trenches.
“At the command, ‘Hunt the wounded!’ the dogs dashed ahead into the woods, we following them as rapidly as possible,” one German account, reported by The New York Times in 1915, went. “[I]t wasn’t long before we heard barking… the dogs came running back to meet us and guided us until we came upon one poor devil who lay on the ground groaning, his eyes fixed on the dog… Fourteen wounded were found in the dark woods by our dogs who could never have been found by our ambulance men.”
Sometimes, mercy dogs simply lay with a dying man so that he didn’t die alone.
Today, the names of most of these dogs have been lost to history. But their service during the war was never forgotten.
They, and the other famous dogs on this list, show the incredible role that canines play in our lives. They’re loyal companions, entertainers, and even lifesavers. And there is no doubt — they are all very good dogs.
After reading about these famous dogs, look through these heartwarming photos of celebrities and their dogs. Or, discover the story of Bobi, the oldest dog in the world.