Did Czar Ivan IV Really Kill His Heir As Depicted In The Chilling Painting ‘Ivan The Terrible And His Son Ivan’?

Published October 4, 2024

Ilya Repin's 1885 painting "Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan" shows Ivan IV, the first Russian czar, cradling his dying son after bludgeoning him, but historians are divided as to whether this murder ever really happened.

Ivan The Terrible And His Son

Public Domain“Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan” was painted by Ilya Repin between 1883 and 1885.

In 1885, Russian artist Ilya Repin completed a painting that would go on to become perhaps the most controversial piece of art in Russian history: “Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan on 16 November 1581.”

The artwork depicts Ivan the Terrible, the first czar of Russia, cradling his dying son, Czarevich Ivan Ivanovich — after bludgeoning him in a fit of rage. Historians disagree on whether this incident actually occurred, and even contemporary sources give conflicting accounts of the young heir’s death.

Over the years, the painting has caused unending debate. Some people argue that it’s factual, while others say it’s simply a metaphor for the violence sweeping Russia in the 19th century.

Regardless of its accuracy, the work of art has deeply divided observers in the 140 years since its creation. Even recently, “Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan” has faced vandalism from those who believe it to be an unfair portrayal of one of Russia’s most influential leaders.

‘Ivan The Terrible And His Son Ivan’, The Controversial Russian Painting

Born to a poor family in what is now Ukraine, Ilya Repin became known for his often grim artwork depicting historical events, and he is sometimes referred to as the “Rembrandt of Russia.” He began painting “Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan” in 1883, and the piece was completed by 1885.

The piece depicts Czar Ivan IV Vasilyevich, also known as Ivan the Terrible, just after dealing a fatal blow to his 27-year-old son, Ivan Ivanovich. The czar holds his dying heir, his eyes full of realization and regret, as blood pours from a wound on the young man’s head.

Ivan The Terrible And His Son Sketch

Public DomainA preliminary sketch of “Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan” from 1882.

It’s known that Ivan Ivanovich died suddenly in November 1581, but the cause is disputed. A statesman named Ivan Timofeev, who worked under Ivan the Terrible, reportedly wrote in his diary that the czar beat his son to death after Ivan Ivanovich tried to stop him from committing an “ugly act.” The specifics of this act are unclear, but one theory states that the czar was beating his son’s pregnant wife because he believed she was dressed immodestly, and Ivan Ivanovich rushed to her defense, igniting his father’s anger.

However, other contemporary sources state that the young heir was on a pilgrimage at the time of his death and passed away due to an illness. Either way, after Ivan Ivanovich’s death, his younger brother Feodor became the heir apparent. Feodor was unprepared for life as a ruler, and he died in 1598 without having any children of his own. This sparked a succession crisis that led to the Time of Troubles, a 15-year period of political unrest and lawlessness.

It’s perhaps because of this series of events that the rumors surrounding the czarevich’s death were so enduring that they inspired Repin to paint “Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan” more than 300 years later.

Ilya Repin’s Inspiration For His Famous Work Of Art

Ilya Repin first got the idea for his painting of the death of Ivan the Terrible’s son in 1881 while listening to a symphonic suite by Russian composer Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. As the artist said in a 1913 interview: “I was listening to Rimsky-Korsakov’s new piece ‘Revenge.’ It made an irresistible impression on me. These sounds took possession of me, and I thought whether it was possible to embody in painting the mood that had arisen in me under the influence of this music. I remembered Czar Ivan. This was in 1881. The bloody event of March 1 excited everyone. Some kind of bloody streak passed through that year… I worked spellbound.”

On March 1, 1881, Czar Alexander II had been assassinated in St. Petersburg, the culmination of a wave of political violence sweeping the empire. Repin was present at the execution of the men behind the plot, and he started sketching out “Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan” not long after.

Ivan The Terrible Portrait

Public DomainIvan the Terrible was the first czar of Russia who ruled from 1547 to 1584.

Then, in 1883, Repin traveled to Europe and witnessed violent bullfights, which further inspired his work. “Misfortunes, living death, murder, and blood constitute… an attractive force,” the artist wrote. “At that time, bloody paintings were exhibited in large numbers at all exhibitions in Europe. And I, probably infected by this bloodiness, upon returning home, immediately set about the bloody scene of Ivan the Terrible with his son.”

So, Repin decided to portray the scene of a grieving czar mourning his son’s death to encapsulate the pain and suffering that stemmed from senseless violence. The process of painting took a mental toll on Repin, however. “I painted in tears,” he wrote. “I was tortured, I tormented myself, I started again and again what I had painted… Every minute was terrible to me.”

Ivan The Terrible Son

Public DomainIvan the Terrible’s haunted expression after slaying his son.

Still, Repin ultimately finished the painting in 1885, and it soon attracted plenty of attention — both positive and negative.

The Enduring Legacy Of ‘Ivan The Terrible And His Son Ivan’

Ilya Repin first revealed his painting to his artist friends, who were impressed by the work. According to the Tanais Gallery, art critic Ivan Kramskoi stated, “I was overcome by a feeling of complete satisfaction for Repin. Here it is, a thing on the level of talent… This scene is truly full of gloom and some kind of natural tragedy.”

However, not everyone appreciated the artwork. Czar Alexander III even prohibited public viewings of the piece, making it the first known censored painting in the Russian Empire. However, the ban was lifted three months later after other artists intervened on Repin’s behalf.

Many of the critics were nationalists who thought Repin’s depiction of Ivan the Terrible was a defamatory attack to make him seen more violent than he truly was. In fact, it wasn’t long before disgruntled Russians began vandalizing the painting.

In 1913, 29-year-old Abram Balashov slashed it three times with a knife while it hung at the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. Repin repaired it himself.

Painting Damage

Public DomainThe damage sustained by the painting during Abram Balashov’s attack in 1913.

A century later, an Orthodox group petitioned the gallery to remove the painting from display, citing that it was an inaccurate portrayal of history and offended patriotic Russians. The institution rejected the request.

Then, in 2018, an intoxicated man smashed the glass covering the canvas with a metal pole. According to a report in The New York Times at the time of the incident, the Tretyakov Gallery stated, “Serious damage was done to the painting. The canvas was pierced in three places.” The frame was damaged as well, but the faces of Ivan the Terrible and his son were unblemished “by a happy coincidence.”

Tretyakov Museum

Vladimir Zhuravlev / Alamy Stock Photo“Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan” on display at the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, Russia.

The assailant reportedly told the police, “I came to look at the painting. I wanted to leave, but then dropped into the buffet and drank 100 grams [3.5 ounces] of vodka. I don’t drink vodka, and became overwhelmed by something.”

Workers restored the painting and placed it back in the gallery for visitors to ponder as Repin originally intended. Whether “Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan” is an accurate portrayal of Russian history or a centuries-long smear campaign as some suggest, it still continues to be one of Russia’s most influential paintings.

After reading about the haunting Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan painting, go inside the story of Saturn Devouring His Son, one of the most terrifying paintings in history. Then, read about nine paintings that are allegedly haunted.

Amber Morgan
Amber Morgan is an Editorial Fellow for All That's Interesting. She graduated from the University of Florida with a degree in political science, history, and Russian. Previously, she worked as a content creator for America House Kyiv, a Ukrainian organization focused on inspiring and engaging youth through cultural exchanges.
Cara Johnson
A writer and editor based in Charleston, South Carolina and an assistant editor at All That's Interesting, Cara Johnson holds a B.A. in English and Creative Writing from Washington & Lee University and an M.A. in English from College of Charleston and has written for various publications in her six-year career.
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Morgan, Amber. "Did Czar Ivan IV Really Kill His Heir As Depicted In The Chilling Painting ‘Ivan The Terrible And His Son Ivan’?." AllThatsInteresting.com, October 4, 2024, https://allthatsinteresting.com/ivan-the-terrible-and-his-son. Accessed February 6, 2025.