TIME Picks Its Most Uplifting Photos Of The Year
As with any year, 2014 has had its fair share of disasters and disappointments. And since disasters and disappointments tend to translate to beaucoup dinero for major media outlets, we can at times have an overly bleak view of the world in which we live. In light of that, the folks over at Time have taken it upon themselves to sort through the year according to photography in the pursuit of a few rays of pixelated sunshine. Before your frown sets in stone, we highly recommend that you check out their selections.
The Year 2014 Through The Eyes–Or Lens–Of Photography Superstar Lucas Jackson
Reuters photographer Lucas Jackson is to photography as Jack White is to music: there isn’t really a genre or style he hasn’t tapped into, and yet everything he produces is unquestionably his. The Reuters wunderkind took an astonishing 5,000 photos this year (that’s a little over 13 photos a day) that were distributed by the news agency, ranging from Ferguson uprisings to the Russian Olympics to the makeup rooms of New York Fashion Week. Get to know the photog here.
BBC Offers Its Most Powerful Photos Of The Year
The world’s oldest national broadcasting organization knows a thing or two about the power of a good photograph. No doubt that the BBC, also the largest broadcaster in the world, had a hard time whittling down their myriad photos into a 19-item list. What do you think about their choices?