The Winners Of The Sony World Photography Contest

Source: Twisted Sifter
We can’t imagine the pressure that Sony judges were under for this year’s World Photography Contest. Nearly 150,000 images were piled onto to their desks, all of which provided technically immaculate representations of all the beauty, despair, intricacies and sweeping landscapes that the world has to offer. The award ceremony will take place on April 30th, but until then you can delight in Twisted Sifter’s picks.

Source: Twisted Sifter

Source: Twisted Sifter
Architects Design An Entirely Sustainable Floating City

Source: Inhabitat
Put aside the troubling bits of Noah’s narrative for a moment and think of his benevolent attempt to save the world’s flora and fauna from impending disaster. Fast forward a couple of millennia, and imagine what that ark might look like in the 21st century. According to architects Aleksandar Joksimovic and Jelena Nikolic, it would look something like this. The Serbian duo designed “Noah’s Ark”, the sustainable floating city, for a 2012 eVolo Skyscraper Competition. Utilizing wind and ocean energy to power the floating metropolis, post-apocalyptic society has never looked so cool. Inhabitat delves in a little deeper into the city’s dynamics, and we highly recommend that you check it out.

Source: Inhabitat

Source: Inhabitat