The Homemade Dungeon Where Li Hao Kept His Sex Slaves
In 2009, an ex-firefighter and government clerk named Li Hao purchased a residential property in Luoyang, Henan Province, China. He dug a dungeon into the dirt of the basement. There, he trapped six women, forcing them into online prostitution as he filmed himself violently raping them.
Five of the women Li Hao trapped were sex workers whose services he was supposedly soliciting. Sky News reported that the women followed Li Hao to the residential compound he’d purchased, unaware that they wouldn’t be leaving the building’s basement for nearly two years.
The sixth woman had been selling birth control products.
In the basement dungeon, Li Hao forced the women to perform sexual acts on camera, broadcasting the footage to an online audience who paid him to view it. He also eventually forced the women into sex work.
Li Hao, who had a wife and a young child, later confessed that his motivation for his heinous crimes was quite simply to make money.
He spent two weeks a month with the women, telling his wife he was working night shifts as a guard.
At one point, CNN reported, Li Hao forced three of the women to kill two of the others. One of the victims was strangled, and the other was beaten to death.
Each of the women was between the ages of 16 and 23. One among the group, who was 20 at the time, also got pregnant as a result of the constant rape.
Li Hao was eventually caught in September 2011 when one of the women escaped and was able to contact the police.
He was executed “according to law” in January 2014.