This Week In History News, Dec. 10 – 16

Published December 15, 2023

Satanic curse tablet from the Middle Ages found in Germany, 700-year-old mace head unearthed in Poland, Roman prison bakery uncovered at Pompeii.

Renovation Workers In Germany Discover A Medieval Tablet Inscribed With A Satanic Curse

Curse Tablet Unearthed In Germany

Archeology in Mecklenburg-Western PomeraniaWritten in an archaic script known as Blackletter or Gothic minuscule, this curse asks Satan and Beelzebub to bring harm against two people named Taleke and Hinrik.

Workers renovating a town hall in northern Germany just stumbled upon a medieval tablet inscribed with a Satanic curse. Though curse tablets like this one were common throughout ancient Greece and Rome, they largely fell out of use by the seventh century C.E., making this 15th-century find all the more rare. While experts know that the tablet asked Satan, Beelzebub and Berith to bring harm against two people named Taleke and Hinrik, the full story behind this curse remains shrouded in mystery.

Read more about this chilling find here.

Medieval Mace Head Discovered In Poland By A 12-Year-Old Boy

Medieval Mace Head From Poland

Lubelski Wojewódzki Konserwator Zabytków/FacebookThe medieval mace head shows significant signs of wear, and it may have been used as a weapon or a tool.

As debris tumbled onto the driveway of his parents’ home in Wilków, Poland, as part of a construction project, 12-year-old Witold Bołtuć noticed something in the dirt. Suspecting that it could be special, Bołtuć picked it up and brought it to his parents. Indeed, the sharp-eyed 12-year-old had discovered the well-worn head of a medieval mace.

Dig deeper in this report.

Prison Bakery Where Enslaved People Toiled Unearthed In Pompeii

Pompeii Prison Bakery

Archaeological Park of PompeiiThe “prison bakery” in Pompeii is just one of the latest archaeological discoveries in the doomed town.

Archaeologists excavating the doomed city of Pompeii, which was destroyed with the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 C.E., recently announced the discovery of a “prison bakery” where humans and animals toiled under brutal conditions to make bread. The cramped room had no view of the outside world and only a few high, barred windows. Indentations in the floor showed where blindfolded donkeys were forced to walk for hours in order to grind grain for bread.

Read on here.

All That's Interesting
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John Kuroski
John Kuroski is the editorial director of All That's Interesting. He graduated from New York University with a degree in history, earning a place in the Phi Alpha Theta honor society for history students. An editor at All That's Interesting since 2015, his areas of interest include modern history and true crime.