Real-life Atlantis nearly discovered, Queen Emma's bones possibly found, Nazi Enigma machine auctioned off.
Scientists On The Verge Of Finding Real-Life Atlantis Beneath The North Sea

PixabayA fossilized forest underneath the North Sea has led scientists closer to recovering the lost human settlement.
Doggerland covers a vast swath between the eastern coast of Britain and mainland Europe. Looking at it now, you would never think that it was once home to a settlement of Mesolithic humans some 10,000 years ago — because the region is submerged beneath the North Sea.
The recent discovery of a fossilized forest below the waves has renewed researchers’ hope of getting closer to a long lost human settlement.
“We are absolutely dead sure that we are very close to a settlement,” said Vincent Gaffney of Bradford University in the U.K. “We have now identified the areas where the Mesolithic land surface is close to the surface [of the seafloor]. So we can use the dredges or grabs to get larger samples of whatever that surface is.”
Read more about Doggerland here.
Unidentified For Nearly A Millennium, The Bones Found In A U.K. Cathedral May Be Queen Emma’s

Winchester CathedralThe six chests were though to contain the remains of 12-15 people, with latest analysis showing at least 23 sets of remains.
When anthropologists from the University of Bristol found six mortuary chests in Winchester Cathedral, they carefully analyzed and radiocarbon-dated its contents. The bones within belonged to at least 23 individuals — one of which is likely to have been Queen Emma of Normandy.
As a historical figure, Queen Emma was quite an interesting monarch. Married to two kings of England — King Ethelred and King Cnut — she was born in the 980s A.D. to her father Richard I, the Duke of Normandy. Her political contributions, namely giving the dukes of Normandy a hereditary claim to England’s throne, led to the Norman Conquest in 1066.
The Latin inscription on one of the discovered mortuary chests reads, “mother and wife of the kings of the English.” Scientists dated the chests to the late Anglo-Saxon and early Norman periods, and identified the bones of a mature female as possibly being those of Queen Emma of Normandy.
Dig deeper in this report.
Rare Nazi Enigma Machine Used To Encrypt Axis Messages Goes To Auction For $200,000

Nate D. Sanders Auction HouseThis German Enigma machine is in impressive condition, with only minor wear and tear after more than half a century.
A few years ago, somebody mistook a German Enigma machine for a mere WWII-era typewriter and sold it at a flea market for a pittance. Fortunately, it was eventually discovered for its historical value and sold for big money at an auction.
Yet another unit from the priceless Enigma series has found its way to auction. This particular item is described as “like new” with bidding starting at $200,000.
See more here.