Take a look at what was considered "dating advice" in the 1930s.
In a tongue-in-cheek photo guide published in 1938, Click Photo-Parade magazine provided dating ‘tips’ for single women. Apparently, the only keys to successful dating in the 1930s for women were to not talk too much, wear a bra, and not pass out in the middle of your date because you’re too drunk:

Do your dressing in your boudoir to keep your allure.

If you need a brassiere, wear one.

Men don't like girls who borrow their handkerchief and smudge them with lipstick.

Don't sit in awkward positions--and never look bored, even if you are.

Don't use the car mirror to fix your make-up.

Don't be familiar with your escort by caressing him in public.

Don't be conspicuous talking to other men.

Don't be familiar with the headwaiter talking about the fun you had with someone else another time.

Careless women never appeal to gentlemen.

Don't be sentimental or try to get him to say something he doesn't want to by working on his emotions.

Don't talk about clothes or try to describe your new gown to a man.

Don't drink too much, as a man expects you to keep your dignity all evening.

And if you enjoyed this ridiculous vintage dating guide for single women, be sure to check out our posts on interesting facts and hilariously offensive vintage ads!