These Winston Churchill quotes will dazzle you with their wit and shock you with their hate. You only thought you knew this man.
“If you have an important point to make,” Winston Churchill once said, “don’t try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver.”
Well, Churchill had the rare ability to do both, delivering everything from historic pronouncements to pithy maxims with both pile driver strength and playful wit.
While serving as prime minister and leading Britain through World War II, Churchill exercised those verbal gifts like few other statesmen in history, inspiring a nation and the world beyond its borders for decades to come.
At the same time, his heroic legacy and cuddly bowler-and-bowtie image conceal a dark side that informs some of his harshest words.
You’ll find both — the light side and the dark — in the fascinating, era-defining, and ultimately surprising collection of Winston Churchill quotes below:

Speech at Kinnaird Hall, Dundee, Scotland, October 10, 1908.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Speaking at the Guildhall (London's histotic town hall) after the first British naval victory of World War I, September 4, 1914.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

From The Story of the Malakand Field Force: An Episode of Frontier War, Churchill's 1898 account of a British military campaign in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Photo: OFF/AFP/Getty Images

In "Painting as a Pastime," published in the Strand Magazine in December 1921 and Jnuary 1922.
Photo: AFP/Getty Images

Published in His Complete Speeches, 1974.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

From Churchill's partial autobiography My Early Life.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

From My Early Life.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Speech given at London's Harrow School for boys, October 29, 1941.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

From Closing The Ring, the fifth of the six volumes making up Churchill's history of World War II, The Second World War.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Quoted in The New York Times Magazine, November 1, 1964.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Reader's Digest, 1954.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

From The Second World War, Volume III : The Grand Alliance (1950)
Photo: AFP/Getty Images

From Winston S. Churchill: His Complete Speeches (1974)
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

From a speech in the House of Commons, February 27, 1945.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Speech in the House of Commons, June 18, 1940.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

From Great Contemporaries, Churchill's 1937 essay collection about 25 important leaders, artists, and more.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

March 26, 1936.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Albert Hall, London, May 14, 1947.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

From The Story of the Malakand Field Force: An Episode of Frontier War.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Quoted by British Cabinet Secretary Norman Brook in Action This Day: Working With Churchill.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Spoken during a tour of Churchill's Chartwell Farm, 1946; remembered by Christopher Soames, Churchill's son-in-law.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Quoted by politician and close friend Violet Bonham-Carter in Winston Churchill As I Knew Him (1965).
Photo: AFP/Getty Images

In conversation with journalist and author Harold Begbie, later published in 1906.
Photo: AFP/Getty Images

Speech in the House of Commons, May 17, 1916.
Photo: AFP/Getty Images

At an Institute of Journalists dinner in London on November 17, 1906.
Photo: AFP/Getty Images

From The River War (1899), Churchill's account of the Mahdist War in the Sudan.
Photo: STF/AFP/GettyImages

Statement as president of the Air Council (government body managing the Royal Air Force), 1919.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Recorded by British Minister of Defence Harold Macmillan on January 20, 1955.
Photo: AFP/Getty Images

In conversation with Leo Amery, Britain's Secretary of State for India, 1942.
Photo: CPT TANNER - No 2 Army Film and AFP/Getty Images

To the Peel Commission, a British panel investigating the causes of unrest in Palestine, 1937.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Speech and interview at the University of Michigan, 1902.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Next, see Winston Churchill's priceless face on the day of the German surrender, then read some choice words from Churchill and more in this collection of the best insults in history. Finally, have a look at 40 Bruce Lee quotes that will touch your heart and soul.