Source: Design Beep, http://designbeep.com/2010/02/07/50-fantastic-examples-of-origami-art-work/
The art of origami is one that has fascinated and frustrated millions of people from its 17th century inception in Japan. Given its minimal material requirements, origami allows even the most strapped for cash individual the opportunity to be a sculptor–should he or she devote enough time to it. That is not to say that creating an impressive origami oeuvre is easy; after all, one must create something intricate and three dimensional from a seemingly 2D object without cutting or folding. But for those of us with little patience and time, here are some of the best examples of a piece of paper’s potential.

Source: Design Beep, http://designbeep.com/2010/02/07/50-fantastic-examples-of-origami-art-work/

Source: Design Beep, http://designbeep.com/2010/02/07/50-fantastic-examples-of-origami-art-work/

Source: Design Beep, http://designbeep.com/2010/02/07/50-fantastic-examples-of-origami-art-work/