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44 Haunting Images Of Abandoned Department Stores Across America And Beyond

44 Haunting Images Of Abandoned Department Stores Across America And Beyond

From decaying escalators to empty shopping carts, these abandoned department stores are sure to send a chill down your spine.
Archaeologists In The Netherlands Just Unearthed The 2,000-Year-Old Tomb Of A Roman Soldier

Archaeologists In The Netherlands Just Unearthed The 2,000-Year-Old Tomb Of A Roman Soldier

Artifacts found within the grave revealed that it belonged to a soldier named Flaccus, marking the first time that a burial of a specific, named Roman soldier has ever been uncovered in the region.
Inside The Chilling History Of Biblical Demons And The Rise Of Demonology

Inside The Chilling History Of Biblical Demons And The Rise Of Demonology

Christians have long feared the power of Biblical demons — but what does the Bible actually say about these evil entities?
An Electrician In Rome Uncovers Stunning Frescoes From The 17th Century Behind A Trap Door At An Historic Villa

An Electrician In Rome Uncovers Stunning Frescoes From The 17th Century Behind A Trap Door At An Historic Villa

Hidden away by 19th-century renovations, the newly-discovered frescoes at the Villa Farnesina were likely painted by Baroque artist Carlo Maratta around 1693.
Archaeologists In Corsica Unearth An Ancient Roman Tile Workshop Dating Back 1,900 Years

Archaeologists In Corsica Unearth An Ancient Roman Tile Workshop Dating Back 1,900 Years

While preparing for a real estate development on the eastern coast of Corsica, workers recently happened upon the remains of a Roman tile workshop perched on a hill overlooking the Étang de Diane lagoon.
Inside The Heartbreaking Stories Of 9 Wrongful Convictions, From David Camm To Donald Marshall Jr.

Inside The Heartbreaking Stories Of 9 Wrongful Convictions, From David Camm To Donald Marshall Jr.

These wrongful conviction cases led to people spending years — or even decades — behind bars for crimes they didn't commit.
Anthony Senter And Joey Testa, The ‘Gemini Twins’ Who Proved To Be The Most Murderous Mobsters In The Infamous DeMeo Crew

Anthony Senter And Joey Testa, The ‘Gemini Twins’ Who Proved To Be The Most Murderous Mobsters In The Infamous DeMeo Crew

Childhood friends Anthony Senter and Joey Testa began working in Gambino mobster Roy DeMeo's crew in the 1970s, and they may have played a role in as many as 200 murders.
How Heavy Metal Icon Dimebag Darrell Was Murdered Onstage By An Unhinged Fan

How Heavy Metal Icon Dimebag Darrell Was Murdered Onstage By An Unhinged Fan

"Dimebag" Darrell Abbott died in 2004 while performing in Ohio after he was shot by an obsessed fan named Nathan Gale who was reportedly angry about the breakup of Abbott's former band Pantera.
A Metal Detectorist In Denmark Has Uncovered A 2,500-Year-Old Sword That Was Bent During A Sacrificial Ritual

A Metal Detectorist In Denmark Has Uncovered A 2,500-Year-Old Sword That Was Bent During A Sacrificial Ritual

A first-time metal detectorist found a cache of objects dating back to 500 B.C.E. in a bog near Veksø, including a sword, several rings, and two axes.
The Story Of Judy Warren, The Only Child Of Paranormal Investigators Ed And Lorraine Warren

The Story Of Judy Warren, The Only Child Of Paranormal Investigators Ed And Lorraine Warren

Though Judy Spera was long afraid of the supernatural, she's now proudly preserving the legacies of her demonologist parents Ed and Lorraine Warren.
12 Greek Gods And Goddesses From Ancient Mythology — And The Rituals, Sacrifices, And Temples They Inspired

12 Greek Gods And Goddesses From Ancient Mythology — And The Rituals, Sacrifices, And Temples They Inspired

From Apollo to Zeus, the 12 Olympian gods and goddesses are the most powerful deities in the pantheon of ancient Greek mythology and religion.