Chemical Reactions: Ammonium Dichromate Makes Tentacles
Hey—remember those snakes we were talking about earlier? Maybe that sugar/sulfuric acid thing didn’t quite do it for you, what with not involving fire or anything. Well, you’re in luck, because there’s this stuff called ammonium dichromate that will totally make those twisty, evil tentacles for you whenever you want.
The downside is that first you must anger the Elder Gods by burning their sacred powder. Warning: using too much ammonium dichromate will cause the tentacles to achieve consciousness and drag you back down with them to the Nether Realm.
Snake Venom is Bad for the Blood
No article about exploring the frontiers of science is complete without some good, old-fashioned nightmare fuel. In that vein (pun!), please enjoy this video of what certain types of snake venom do to your blood after you’ve been bitten. For maximum horror, picture yourself wearing a pith helmet and wrestling with the snake first.