Pallotta Teamworks
The sky is the limit with these individual shipping container cubicles at Pallotta Teamworks in Los Angeles. The company figured this was the best way to provide individual, private workstations with their two-million dollar budget, which when you’re talking about a 47,000 square foot warehouse, equals out to $40 per square foot – or half the typical amount for this kind of project. With the use of tented “neighborhoods” to streamline cooling costs, among other outside-the-box- ideas, this company has fulfilled their mantra of creative and sustainable work solutions.
David Ajasa-Adekunle for Innovation Imperative
Stepping away from the industrial vibe of the standard high-tech office, these “pop-up cubicles” fit two people and two desks. Given their versatile nature, you can put them pretty much anywhere, so why not in the middle of the forest? Designed by David Ajasa-Adekunle for Innovation Imperative, these are reasonably priced due to the modern materials used and practical construction methods.