Neck Coils
Another relatively well-known example of extreme tribal traditions, neck coils are still commonly worn by Kayan women in Burma. Those who have worn them for a very long time can fit upwards of 20 coils around their necks.

Village elders can wear as many as 25 coils at a time. Source: My Overland Adventure
Like with the lip plates, the coils are worn starting in childhood. Kayan women start off with fewer coils (between 5 and 10) and, as the body gets used to them, more are added. Many women wear their coils continuously, which has given rise to myths that their necks would break because they are unable to support the weight of the head if they take the coils off.

Source: Travels With Sheila
Another myth or rather a false impression is that the coils make the necks longer. While it might appear that way, the coils actually press down on the shoulders and lower the clavicle.

Very rarely are Padaung women seen without their coils. Source: Blogspot