Alligators And Alcohol — What Could Go Wrong?

Martin County Sheriff’s OfficeKepke said he had a “couple beers” when he and his friend forced the alligator to drink, but that he wasn’t drunk.
In October, two men made Florida man headlines when they were arrested for trapping an alligator and encouraging it to bite one of their arms — while force-feeding it beer.
According to Newsweek, 27-year-old Timothy Kepke and 22-year-old Noah Osborne were charged with one count of unlawfully taking an alligator on Aug. 26, 2019. The report added that Osborne caught the animal and the men’s antics ensued on the side of the road in Palm City around 10 p.m.
Once again, the culprits incriminated themselves by not only recording their actions but by also posting them to social media. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission caught wind of the bizarre act soon after and started investigating.
Allegedly, the footage shows Kepke holding the alligator still while urging it to bite his forearm. He then aggressively pours beer into its mouth, which only makes the reptile more aggressive.
When authorities finally confronted Kepke on September 17, he admitted to what he’d done. He claimed he wasn’t drunk, but did have a “couple beers” while force-feeding the animal. Fortunately, the pair did let the alligator go afterwards.
Unfortunately for Kepke and Osborne, they were held on $5,000 and $2,500 bonds respectively and booked into Martin County Jail. So the next time you’re having a “couple beers” with a friend and find yourself in Florida, it’d be wise not to commit a felony.