Social Worker Who Wore Duct-Taped Shoes Donated Nearly $11 Million To Charity Upon His Death

Susan E. Madsen via AP NewsAlan Naiman saved enough to accumulate $11 million. He gave most of it to charity upon his death.
Social worker Alan Naiman lived an incredibly frugal life. He patched worn shoes with duct tape, drove old cars, shopped for food and clothing at grocery stores, and rarely ate out.
He was so frugal, in fact, that Naiman managed to amass a wealth of $11 million, which he promptly donated to children’s charities upon his death.
“Saving money was sort of a game to him,” his friend Shashi Karan said. “He would brag about how he had a whole day out and didn’t have to spend a single cent.”
That game proved to be lucrative for Naiman, who wanted to leave money for the families he spent his life’s work caring for.
Naiman had no wife or children, but he was focused on caring for young people in need. His charitable outlook was inspired by his own disabled brother, who “kind of colored the way he looked at things,” one friend said.
Naiman’s wealth was a combination of hard work and privilege. He worked as a banker before spending 20 years at the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services handling after-hours calls. He also inherited millions from his parents.
Even before his passing in January after fighting a battle with cancer, Naiman had already donated millions to charities he was familiar with while working at the Social and Health Services Department.
For instance, he donated at least $2.5 million to an organization focused on helping newborns exposed to opiates, cocaine, and other drugs.
Despite his illness and death, Naiman’s life story is full of inspiration.