The Ghost Pepper: The Chili So Hot It’s Used In Pepper Spray And Elephant Repellent

Wikimedia CommonsThe ghost pepper is primarily grown in India, and it was considered the hottest pepper in the world from 2007 to 2010.
The ghost pepper, also known as the bhut jolokia, is a small, hybrid chili pepper that originated in India. This pepper is often grown in the Indian states of Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, and Arunachal Pradesh.
At just over 1 million SHUs, the ghost pepper was once considered the hottest pepper on Earth, between 2007 and 2010.
Though the ghost pepper no longer holds the coveted title, it remains a favorite among enthusiastic “chili heads” and curious diners.
But like other excruciatingly hot peppers, it’s recommended that you exercise caution while eating bhut jolokias — and avoid touching your eyes. According to Food & Wine, bhut jolokias are so dangerously hot that they have been used in pepper sprays, elephant repellents, and even grenades.
It’s hard to believe there are now chilis far hotter than this one.