Annie Leibovitz’ Latest Additions To Her Disney Dream Portrait Series

Source: My Modern Met
Annie Leibovitz is to photography what the Empire State Building is to New York City. A veritable institution in the world of photographical portraiture, Annie Leibovitz has been freezing some of the world’s most influential faces in time for nearly half a century. Of major commercial acclaim is her “Disney Dream” portrait series, where Leibovitz highlights the parallels between celebrity and fantasy through film. Playful and whimsical, this year Leibovitz has added Jessica Chastain, Jennifer Hudson, Russell Brand and more into her photographical fold. More of Leibovitz’ work can be found at My Modern Met.

Source: My Modern Met

Source: My Modern Met
“Pride Propaganda” Posters Make Their Way To Sochi

Source: Design Boom
Just because the Bolsheviks largely brought down the Russian Orthodox Church in the 20th century didn’t mean that they were setting the stage for a century of social openness and inclusion. As recently as 2013, Russian leaders passed gay propaganda laws that, for all intents and purposes, could land someone in prison for simply waving a rainbow flag. Repurposing Soviet propaganda of yore, “Pride Propaganda” has taken to Russia’s past in order to spread a modern message.

Source: Design Boom

Source: Design Boom