Source: This Is Colossal
Dancing With Light

Source: This Is Colossal
Who would have thought that one of man’s harshest adversaries–at least in these amazing GIFs–is not some behemoth creature but light? Every morning we wake up with it (wanted or not) and, pending the day’s following events, either attempt to push its inevitable fading back into the distance and accomplish as much as we can within that time. Or, alternatively, we try our damnedest to rid light from ourselves in exasperated anticipation of another day. That sordid relationship between man and light is presented masterfully in Marc-Antoine Locatelli’s “Nuance”. Watch the full video over at This Is Colossal.

Source: This Is Colossal
Which Harry Potter Personality Are You?

Source: Geekologie
Harry Potter fans of the world, unite! If dressing as the fabled witches and wizards throughout your youth didn’t make you feel close enough to Harry, Hermione and Ron, maybe this Myers-Briggs based infographic will. Before you pour over who your personality-twin is, though, we first recommend you take the Myers-Briggs personality scale test. Upset with your result? Consult the folks over at Geekologie.
A Dog And A Rescued Elephant Form An Unlikely Friendship

Source: The Daily Mail
The circumstances that have led to this unusual–yet pretty perfect–pairing are markedly less happy than these photos suggest. Bubbles, the African elephant featured above, was rescued by activists several years ago after her parents were killed for their tusks during a bloody, 20-year slaughter. While Bubbles has been plucked from her sultry savanna environs, she’s found quite the companion in Bella, a black labrador. Read more about their peculiar dynamic at The Daily Mail.

Source: The Daily Mail

Source: The Daily Mail