Inside Project Blue Beam And The Conspiracy Theorist Behind It

Published February 6, 2024
Updated May 6, 2024

According to the Project Blue Beam theory posited by Serge Monast, NASA and the United Nations are trying to establish a totalitarian, one-world government — but is there any proof?

Conspiracy theories today are a dime a dozen, ranging from speculation about the assassination of John F. Kennedy to beliefs about a flat Earth. But among the more bizarre conspiracy theories, there is one that just might be the wildest of them all: Project Blue Beam.

Project Blue Beam was first proposed in the early 1990s by a journalist-turned-conspiracy theorist named Serge Monast. After taking an interest in the work of other conspiracy theorists, Monast began reading about secret societies and became particularly interested in theories about a potential New World Order — which served as the foundation for Project Blue Beam.

In short, Project Blue Beam is a conspiracy theory that suggests NASA and the UN are trying to create a New World Order by implementing a New Age religion headed by the Antichrist, using advanced technology to trick people into believing in this religion. If they succeed in their supposed mission, all traditional religions will be abolished and all national identities will be removed in favor of a one-world religion and one-world government.

Here’s everything we know about Project Blue Beam, the hypothetical totalitarian dictatorship, and the conspiracy theorist behind it all.

Conspiracy Theorist Serge Monast And The Origins Of Project Blue Beam

Project Blue Beam

Ésotérisme expérimental/IMDbSerge Monast, the Canadian writer who proposed the Project Blue Beam conspiracy theory in the 1990s.

Before he was known for his Project Blue Beam theory, Serge Monast was a Canadian writer working as a journalist during the 1970s and 1980s. Few details are known about his early life, but it’s clear that by the early 1990s, Monast had become deeply interested in conspiracy theories.

He began writing about the New World Order, a term used in several conspiracy theories that claim an organization — such as the UN or the Illuminati — is working to create a single-world government and to indoctrinate people so that they’d accept such a totalitarian dictatorship.

Often, these theories overlap with antisemitism, playing into false narratives that Jews are in complete control of the world’s finances and media organizations and hope to take over the Earth. These theories are also often steeped in fear-mongering and reliant on concerns about the Antichrist.

Notably, New World Order theories have been pushed by one of America’s most infamous conspiracy theorists, Alex Jones, who claimed that the horrific Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a “false flag” hoax perpetrated by “crisis actors” in an attempt to take away Americans’ gun rights. (Jones was later ordered to pay about $1.5 billion to the families of Sandy Hook victims after his false claims about the massacre.)

Alex Jones

Bob Daemmrich/Alamy Stock PhotoAlex Jones, the founder of the conspiracy website Infowars, at a “You Can’t Close America” rally in Austin, Texas, protesting COVID-19 lockdowns during the height of the pandemic in 2020.

This is important context to identify where Monast was coming from when he first came up with the Project Blue Beam theory.

Monast first wrote about Project Blue Beam in 1994, publishing NASA’s Project Blue Beam, and expanding on the theory a year later in Les Protocoles de Toronto, which was largely modeled on The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a fabricated text detailing a Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world. In a strange twist, some have speculated that Monast may have also been inspired by Star Trek, specifically the premise of a never-produced movie, Star Trek: The God Thing, which would have introduced a mysterious force that claimed to be God but was actually a sentient computer.

But Monast’s theory focused most heavily on NASA and the UN — and their supposed four-step plan to achieve world domination.

The Four Steps Of Project Blue Beam

NASA Headquarters

Wikimedia CommonsThe NASA headquarters in Washington, D.C. The government agency has been connected to a number of conspiracy theories throughout the years, but Project Blue Beam may be the strangest.

The first step of Project Blue Beam, according to Serge Monast, involves effectively rewriting history by faking earthquakes around the world. These manmade quakes are meant to lead to the discoveries of fake “artifacts” that will discredit traditional religions, especially Christianity and Islam.

In essence, Monast believed that NASA and the UN would dismantle these established religions around the world by sowing “historical” doubt about them, in order to propagate their New Age religion.

Step two involves three-dimensional holographic laser projections that would be beamed across the planet to create a massive “space show,” depicting a variety of religious figures in the sky, including Jesus, Muhammad, and Buddha. The finale of the show would then involve all of these various holograms merging into a singular entity: the Antichrist.

But how would this space show convince every single person on Earth to go along with NASA and the UN’s supposed plans? This was Monast’s explanation: “Such rays from satellites are fed from the memories of computers that have stored massive data about every human on earth, and their languages. The rays will then interlace with their natural thinking to form what we call diffuse artificial thought.”

Serge Monast's Possible Inspiration

WikipediaSome believe that Serge Monast drew inspiration from the premise of the never-produced Star Trek: The God Thing while creating his Project Blue Beam theory.

The third stage is what Serge Monast called “telepathic electronic two-way communication.” He claimed that NASA would use low-frequency radio waves and satellite rays to communicate with individuals “telepathically,” assuming that these people would believe that their god is speaking to them. Through this communication, Monast claimed that NASA would be able to influence how people think, and prepare them for step four.

The final step of Project Blue Beam has multiple stages of its own. The first stage is to convince humanity that an alien invasion is imminent. The second stage is to convince Christians that the Rapture is about to begin.

The third stage involves NASA using advanced technology to allow “supernatural forces” to travel through TV cables, phone lines, and optical fibers to activate microchips in all consumer electronics and appliances.

In the ensuing chaos that was sure to unfold, Monast believed that NASA and the UN would slowly unveil their proposed New World Order — while phasing out cash with a version of cryptocurrency and eliminating the concept of independence — with humanity ready to accept it to ensure survival. Everyone who agreed would be forced to accept the new totalitarian one-world government and a New Age religion that embraced the “cult of man.” Anyone who resisted would face a number of inhumane punishments, ranging from forced labor to a brutal execution.

“The NASA Blue Beam Project is the prime directive for the new world order’s absolute control over the populations of the entire earth,” Monast insisted to his readers. “I would suggest you investigate this information carefully before dismissing it as fanatic lunacy.”

The Modern Belief In This Conspiracy Theory

Serge Monast The Creator Of Project Blue Beam

Wikimedia CommonsSerge Monast on the TV show Ésotérisme Expérimental.

In 1996, Serge Monast died of a heart attack in his home at the age of 51, allegedly after being arrested twice. But his theory didn’t die with him. In fact, Monast’s death paved the way for other conspiracy theorists to further speculate about Project Blue Beam. Some even suggested that he’d been assassinated by figures in power in order to cover up what he’d uncovered.

Project Blue Beam quickly found a second life thanks to the internet becoming more mainstream in the 2000s. One of the earliest propagators of Project Blue Beam was a now-defunct GeoCities page written by David Oppenheimer, which expanded on Monast’s original text. The theory was also covered in-depth on the website, owned and edited by a man named Ken Adachi, who is extremely outspoken against organized medicine, even when it comes to treating terminal diseases.

More recently, the theory has re-emerged on social media as the U.S. government becomes more forthcoming about UFOs and shooting down mystery objects spotted in the sky. This has led some to point to Monast’s claims that “flying saucers” and other UFOs are merely NASA’s test runs for their future “space show.” But while Project Blue Beam certainly still has believers today, there has never been any hard evidence that supports it.

It attempts to pull real-world events into an imagined scenario, layering just enough doubt and promoting just enough fear that those who are already inclined to believe in conspiracy theories — people with a strong desire to feel safe and to feel like their community is superior to others, according to a recent study — will likely subscribe to the Project Blue Beam theory.

Ultimately, Project Blue Beam is nothing more than what it seems at first glance: a wild conspiracy theory with no real evidence to support it.

After learning about Project Blue Beam, read about the similarly named Project Blue Book, a very real government project about UFOs. Or, explore all of the conspiracy theories surrounding the Denver Airport.

Kara Goldfarb
Kara Goldfarb is a writer living in New York City who holds a Bachelor's degree in journalism from Ithaca College and hosts a podcast for Puna Press.
Jaclyn Anglis
Jaclyn is the senior managing editor at All That's Interesting. She holds a Master's degree in journalism from the City University of New York and a Bachelor's degree in English writing and history (double major) from DePauw University. She is interested in American history, true crime, modern history, pop culture, and science.
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Goldfarb, Kara. "Inside Project Blue Beam And The Conspiracy Theorist Behind It.", February 6, 2024, Accessed March 25, 2025.