Missed last night's supermoon? Don't worry, we've got you covered.
Don’t feel too badly if you missed last night’s supermoon, or the so-beautiful-it-seems-fake moment when the full moon coincides with the moon’s closest approach to Earth during its orbit around us. In spite of all that divides us, millions of people from Madrid to Rio to Beijing took a minute or so yesterday to engage in a collective ogle at the luminous sphere whose daily spotting is one of the few experiences we all share.
During the supermoon–which by the way isn’t exactly a scientific term–the moon appears 14% bigger and 30% brighter than when it is at its farthest distance away from Earth.
Here are 21 of our favorite shots:

Supermoon revelers in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Roller coaster riders in Wisconsin getting a bird's eye view of the supermoon

The supermoon as seen near Athens

A girl and her dog make lovely silhouettes against the supermoon in Madrid

The super moon hangs among the pale pink clouds in Bangkok, Thailand

The supermoon as seen from Beijing, China

A sultry supermoon obscured by Brazilian skies

The supermoon illuminates a statue in Washington, DC

The supermoon is grander than any skyscraper in New York City

Travelers on this Hong Kong bridge get a prime view of the supermoon

And from above: the supermoon as captured by members of the International Space Station

The serpentine supermoon in Jilin Province, China

The supermoon as seen near Macedonia's Vardar River

The supermoon overshadows Madrid's four towers.

During the Maltese festival honoring its patron saint, not even fireworks can hide the super moon's natural beauty

The supermoon hangs heavy and warm above Mdina, Malta's capital city

An imposing supermoon seen behind Russia's national symbol, the eagle, in Moscow

An iconic shot of Rusky red and the supermoon in Moscow, Russia

The supermoon glides above Brazil's Ouro Preto

The supermoon contrasts with the modern contours of the Sydney Opera House in Australia

The supermoon adorns London's Tower Bridge
Thanks to The Telegraph and Russia Today for the images.