Bronze Age jewelry unearthed in Swiss carrot field, Crusader sword found in Finland, medieval "love motto" ring uncovered in England.
3,500-Year-Old Jewelry Made With Gold, Crystal, And Shark Teeth Found In A Swiss Carrot Field

Canton of ThurgauAfter a farmer in northeastern Switzerland recently plowed his carrot field, an amateur archaeologist went “traipsing” through to see what he might find — and happened upon an enormous trove of ornate jewelry dating all the way back to the Bronze Age.
An amateur archaeologist in Switzerland just uncovered an enormous jewelry hoard dating back to the Bronze Age. Buried circa 1500 B.C.E., this extravagant cache includes spiked bronze discs, golden spiral rings, rock crystals, arrowheads, ammonite, and teeth from a beaver, a bear, and even a shark. Largest among the pieces were bronze discs that would have been strung together into an enormous necklace using either thread or a leather strap.
See more from this stunning discovery here.
Excavations In Finland Just Unearthed A Sword And Graveyard From The Crusader Era

Riikka Saarinen/Turku Museum Center/University of TurkuThe iron sword uncovered in Salo, Finland, is around 900 years old.
A landowner in Finland recently came across a stunning find while overseeing excavations on his property: a graveyard, an iron sword, and numerous other grave goods likely dating to the country’s 12th-century Crusader Era.
The unnamed man was having geothermal pipes installed on his land in the town of Salo, which required workers to dig a large trench. After a day of rain in August, the property owner noticed a piece of iron sticking out of one of the excavated mounds of dirt — and pulled out an entire sword.
Dig deeper in this report.
Medieval “Love Motto” Ring Discovered By Metal Detectorist In England

COLCHESTER AND IPSWICH MUSEUM SERVICEThe ring is small and was probably worn on the upper joint of someone’s finger.
A metal detectorist in Frinton and Walton, a civil parish in Essex, England, made two extraordinary finds while sweeping the grounds. The unnamed treasure hunter found both a medieval “love motto ring” and a silver gilt hooked tag, which women once used to pin their skirts into place.
Of the two finds, the tiny golden ring is especially spectacular. Probably made between 1400 and 1500, when rings with chivalric mottos were popular, the ring bears the rhyming French inscription: “Je desir vous Ceruir.” This translates into English as: “I desire to serve you.”
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