December 1972, Apollo 17 mission: Portrait of astronaut Eugene Cernan by Harrison Schmitt.
Huffington Post
Due to relatively recent funding cuts at NASA, it seems that interest in and support of space travel is at an all-time low. It hasn’t always been this way, though. The Cold War helped convene scientists, politicians and security specialists and focus attention to the stars. The developments that followed catapulted us to places previously unknown, and greatly altered the way we conceive of space, science and security. These vintage NASA images take us back to that time of fear, excitement and opportunity.

December 1972, Apollo 17: Harrison Schmitt captures Eugene Cernan with the Earth hovering above an American flag.
Huffington Post

June 3rd, 1965, Gemini 4: Ed White makes the first EVA (extravehicular activity) or Spacewalk for the US, over New Mexico. Photo by James McDivitt Huffington Post

December 1968, Apollo 8: William Anders captures the first Earth-rise ever to be seen by humans.
Huffington Post

February 1971, Apollo 14: Edgar Mitchell photographs Alan Shepard and the American flag on the moon’s surface.
Huffington Post

February 1967, Lunar Orbiter 3: First high quality image taken of the ‘dark side’ of the moon. Huffington Post

July 1969, Apollo 11: Buzz Aldrin photographs Neil Armstrong on the surface of the moon. This is the only clear image of Armstrong on the moon’s surface, and was not known about for decades.
Huffington Post

November 1969, Apollo 12 EVA2: Alan Bean captured with the image of photographer Pete Conrad reflected in his visor.
Huffington Post

October 1968, Apollo 7: On-board photograph of Walter Cunningham shot by Walter Schirra.
Huffington Post

October 1968, Apollo 7: Photo by Walter Cunningham of the Florida Peninsula with the sun shining high above the Earth’s surface.
Huffington Post

April 1972, Apollo 16 lifts off on its mission to be the 5th manned spacecraft to land on the moon and the first to land in the lunar highlands.
Huffington Post

October 20th, 1946 the first photograph taken from space. Taken 65 miles above the planet’s surface, the photograph was developed by engineer Clyde Holliday.
Huffington Post

August 1971, Apollo 15, Al Worden photographer: oblique telephoto panorama of the North Rim of Crater Pasteur, on the far side of the Moon.
Huffington Post Reproduction, © Bloomsbury Auctions

May 1969, Apollo 10: Telephoto panorama view of the moon floor and western rim of Mendeleev Basin.
Huffington Post Reproduction, © Bloomsbury Auctions

August 1st, 1971, Apollo 15 EVA-2: David Scott at the ALSEP site near the LM, Station 8, panoramic view.
Huffington Post Reproduction, © Bloomsbury Auctions

August 1st, 1971, Apollo 15 EVA-2: Panoramic view of David Scott photographing a geologic ¬find at Hadley Delta mountain, near Station 6. Photos by James Irwin.
Huffington Post Reproduction, © Bloomsbury Auctions

August 1st, 1971, Apollo 15 EVA-2: 300 feet up the flank of 11,500-foot-high Hadley Delta mountain, Station 6. Photos by James Irwin.
Huffington Post Reproduction, © Bloomsbury Auctions