Vintage celebrity selfies, opulent wigs made of paper, the most astounding eyes in all of nature, the world’s most ingeniously bizarre ads, and cool photos of ’60s mods.
Celebrity Selfies Taken Long Before The Word Was Even Invented
Sure, the word “selfie” is only about 15 years old, and mobile phones with cameras are only about the same age. But, if you think we haven’t been taking self-portraits for far, far longer than that, you’re dead wrong. And by “we,” I also mean the rich, famous, and powerful. Sure, rock stars and politicians of decades past couldn’t share their selfies on Instagram or Facebook, but that doesn’t mean, with a little digging, you can’t find some truly iconic, vintage self-portraits. See more at Vintage Everyday.
Opulent, Old-Fashioned Wigs Made Entirely Of Paper
When it comes to elaborately detailed, Victorian-era headpieces and ancient Mongolian wedding dresses, paper usually isn’t the first medium people think of. Russian artist Asya Kozina, however, is proving that paper can be just as beautiful as cloth. “This is art for art’s sake aesthetics for aesthetics — no practical sense, but they are beautiful,” Kozina said. “In this case, paper helps to highlight the main form and not to be obsessed with unnecessary details.” See more at designboom.
Inside The Eyes Of The World’s Tiniest Creatures
As humans, it’s normal to anthropomorphize the world around us: sometimes we call dogs’ front legs “arms,” or refer to a snake as “mean.” Likewise, we might assume that the eyes of living creatures we encounter work the same way that ours do, and to achieve the same end. That’s just not the case, though. Indeed, in this National Geographic article, the authors explore the fascinating ways living organisms use their eyes — sometimes, all 100 of them.