The state of Bulgaria cut its ties with the USSR and communist ideologies in the late 20th century, but its memory remains in the form of architecture.

This former dairy farm looks to have been pulled directly out of a scene from a post-apocalyptic film. The ominous sign on the gate reads “No Entry!”
Source: Bored Panda
As the Soviet Union began to collapse in 1989, Bulgaria entered a new, challenging phase of its development. While the Bulgarian state eventually abandoned communist ideologies for more market-oriented practices, their memory remains in the form of abandoned infrastructure.
These spectral structures stoke the imagination of many, one such person being Bulgarian photographer Hristo Uzunov. From his home base in the Bulgarian capital of Sofia, Uzunov has spent two years drawing out what he calls “The Abandoned Bulgaria” through photos, traveling to more than twenty of these deserted locations to capture their existence, perhaps to remind the nation of its past as knowledge of it recedes from memory.
The first Bulgarian locomotives were produced at this site in 1948.
Source: Bored Panda
History vanishes as abandoned buildings are overtaken by the elements. Source: Bored Panda
Abandoned structures are an eerie monument to the villages and families that once lived in these mountains.
Source: Bored Panda
A rusting KrAZ 256 hopper at the Ardino marble quarry.
Source: Bored Panda
An Antov An-2 forever grounded at the Museum of Aviation in the village of Krumovo.
Source: Bored Panda
Even the walkway tunnels underneath the monument are adorned with the Soviet Star. When communism left the Soviet Republic, most (if not all) vestiges to that time were left to crumble. Source: Bored Panda
The town of Kardzhali is now home to nothing other than homeless dogs.
Source: Bored Panda
An old T-130 bulldozer that was used to quarry marble in the town of Ardino sits frozen in time.
Source: Bored Panda
The Rhodope Mountains are home to many small villages, most of which have been abandoned.
Source: Bored Panda
Industrial skeletons strewn across the Bulgarian landscape remind us that no ideology is immune from time. Source: Bored Panda
An abandoned train car sits rusted and motionless at the Kardzhali train station.
Source: Bored Panda
The train plant was built in 1888, and abandoned in 2003. Source: Bored Panda
Many buildings at the train plant in Sofia show signs of trespassers and vandals.
Source: Bored Panda
The inner dome of the Buzludzha Monument has fallen into a state of disrepair. Source: Bored Panda
Opened in 1981, the Buzludzha Monument was constructed on site by the Bulgarian communist regime, and was abandoned in 1990 with the fall of the USSR.
Source: Bored Panda
At 4,728 ft. tall, the historical peak of Buzludzha is located in the Central Balkan Mountains.
Source: Bored Panda
The monument has since fallen into disrepair. Source: Bored Panda
The city of Varna is the home of this monument to the former Bulgarian-Soviet alliance.
Source: Bored Panda
An impressive smoke stack from a lime producing factory that last operated in the 1950s.
Source: Bored Panda
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