How George ‘Machine Gun’ Kelly Became An Infamous Alcatraz Prisoner

FBIA mugshot of George “Machine Gun” Kelly in the 1920s.
George “Machine Gun” Kelly was a Tennessee gangster who got his nickname from his favorite weapon, the Thompson submachine gun. During Prohibition, Kelly was a notorious bootlegger, but his most famous crime was the abduction of oil tycoon Charles Urschel in July 1933. He was arrested for the kidnapping two months later and sentenced to life in prison.
He was incarcerated at Alcatraz from 1934 to 1951. According to Kelly’s case file at the National Archives, he was transferred to the penitentiary due to his celebrity criminal status: “Because of the notority given in his instant case it would be a shock to the country should he escape. He is considered a dangerous criminal & transfer is recommended with Maximum Custody.”
During his 17 years at the penitentiary, other Alcatraz prisoners reportedly called him “Pop Gun Kelly” after the popular children’s toy because they didn’t take him seriously due to the exaggerated stories he told about his criminal pursuits. He wasn’t nearly as vicious as he made himself out to be and was, in fact, a model inmate.
Kelly was transferred out of Alcatraz in 1951, and he died of a heart attack while still behind bars three years later.