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Discover The Topiaries Of Tulcán Cemetery, A Masterpiece Created By One Tireless Gardener

Discover The Topiaries Of Tulcán Cemetery, A Masterpiece Created By One Tireless Gardener

José Franco Guerrero first began planting cypress trees in 1936. Now, the cemetery features 300 larger-than-life tree sculptures.
44 Photos From The Hallowed And Haunted Halls Of The Abandoned Eastern State Penitentiary

44 Photos From The Hallowed And Haunted Halls Of The Abandoned Eastern State Penitentiary

When it was first built in 1821, the Eastern State Penitentiary stood as the future in prison reform. Now, the fortress stands in decay.
See The 2,000 Surviving Temples Of Bagan, The Ancient Capital Of The Pagan Kingdom

See The 2,000 Surviving Temples Of Bagan, The Ancient Capital Of The Pagan Kingdom

Built by the kings of the Pagan Empire, the existing temples of Bagan have outlasted pillaging armies and natural disasters.
Science Explains Why Cat Eyes Look And Function The Way They Do

Science Explains Why Cat Eyes Look And Function The Way They Do

Here's everything you ever wanted to know about your feline sees the world.
These 55 Photochrom Images Look Like They’re Straight Out Of A Fairy Tale

These 55 Photochrom Images Look Like They’re Straight Out Of A Fairy Tale

With photochrom, black-and-white photos of the late 1800s and early 1900s were finally brought to life in full color.
33 Vintage Photographs From The Grand Canyon’s Historic Kolb Studio

33 Vintage Photographs From The Grand Canyon’s Historic Kolb Studio

For over 70 years, the Kolb brothers owned and operated a photography studio perched at the edge of the Grand Canyon. Here are some of their most breathtaking shots.
Inside The Disturbing Sculptures Of Ireland’s Victor’s Way

Inside The Disturbing Sculptures Of Ireland’s Victor’s Way

This "adults-only" sculpture garden boasts a vagina with teeth, a naked woman forcefully separating from her child, and a man with no penis cutting himself in half.
Discover Otagi Nenbutsu-Ji, The Buddhist Temple ‘Guarded’ By 1,200 Whimsical Statues

Discover Otagi Nenbutsu-Ji, The Buddhist Temple ‘Guarded’ By 1,200 Whimsical Statues

Otagi Nenbutsu-Ji is a Buddhist temple in Kyoto, Japan that features over 1,200 stone figures representing Rakan, or disciples of the founder of Buddhism.
Explore The Fairy Glen, The Scottish Valley So Magical That Legend Says Fairies Created It

Explore The Fairy Glen, The Scottish Valley So Magical That Legend Says Fairies Created It

Scotland's Fairy Glen, located in the lowlands on the Isle of Skye, is renowned for its magical landscape, basalt rock formations, and mythical lore.
Yuncheng Salt Lake And Its Breathtaking Rainbow Of Colored Algae

Yuncheng Salt Lake And Its Breathtaking Rainbow Of Colored Algae

Yuncheng Salt Lake is loaded with salt-tolerant algae that react to the mineral, producing a beautiful spectrum of color.
21 Stunning Photos Of The Australian Outback’s 2 Billion-Year-Old Natural Wonder

21 Stunning Photos Of The Australian Outback’s 2 Billion-Year-Old Natural Wonder

Developed by the erosion of some of the world's oldest rocks, it's hard to believe that Karijini National Park was once an ancient seafloor.