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The Horrors Of The Philippine-American War You Weren’t Taught In School [PHOTOS]

The Horrors Of The Philippine-American War You Weren’t Taught In School [PHOTOS]

Why more Americans should remember the largely forgotten Philippine-American War.
Meet Inga Arvad, The Woman Who Stole Hitler’s Heart And Dated JFK

Meet Inga Arvad, The Woman Who Stole Hitler’s Heart And Dated JFK

Suspected Nazi spy Inga Arvad was simultaneously linked to both Adolf Hitler and John F. Kennedy.
USS Indianapolis Wreck Found 72 Years After Sinking In Shark-Infested Waters

USS Indianapolis Wreck Found 72 Years After Sinking In Shark-Infested Waters

The discovery of the USS Indianapolis wreck comes decades after the ship sank, leaving 900 men to die in shark-infested waters.
Human Sacrifice In The Pre-Columbian Americas: Separating Fact From Fiction

Human Sacrifice In The Pre-Columbian Americas: Separating Fact From Fiction

Discover the gruesome truths and the perpetuated fabrications about human sacrifice in the Aztec, Mayan, Incan, and Hawaiian civilizations.
Scientists Uncover Modern Descendants Of Biblical Canaanites Thought To Have Been Wiped Out

Scientists Uncover Modern Descendants Of Biblical Canaanites Thought To Have Been Wiped Out

One Middle Eastern nation shares 93 percent of its DNA with the ancient race of Canaanites thought to be lost to history.
Animal, Plant, Or Neither? Scientists Can’t Explain These 580 Million-Year-Old Mystery Creatures

Animal, Plant, Or Neither? Scientists Can’t Explain These 580 Million-Year-Old Mystery Creatures

The Rangeomorphs have puzzled scientists for years, but these new scans may begin to unlock their mysteries.
Man Takes Home 550-Pound WWII Bomb And Now His Whole Neighborhood Has To Be Evacuated

Man Takes Home 550-Pound WWII Bomb And Now His Whole Neighborhood Has To Be Evacuated

After finding the bomb while treasure hunting with his kids, the man put it in his truck and drove it to his home located near the village church.
33 Photos Of Allied Soldiers Narrowly Escaping The Nazis At Dunkirk

33 Photos Of Allied Soldiers Narrowly Escaping The Nazis At Dunkirk

Inside the event that helped save World War II for the Allies.
25 Fun Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About P.T. Barnum

25 Fun Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About P.T. Barnum

These fascinating P.T. Barnum facts reveal the story of the infamous showman who brought Barnum & Bailey Circus to the world.
One Bite From This Common Tick Makes You Allergic To Red Meat For Life

One Bite From This Common Tick Makes You Allergic To Red Meat For Life

The Lone Star Tick's bite can make victims allergic to meat for life. And it's spreading across the United States.
33 Incredible Mugshots Of Iconic Figures Throughout History

33 Incredible Mugshots Of Iconic Figures Throughout History

From Kurt Cobain to Martin Luther King Jr., see some of history's most famous mugshots and learn why these iconic figures were arrested in the first place.