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Haunting Photos From One Of The Most Horrific Looking Human Experiments Ever Conducted

Haunting Photos From One Of The Most Horrific Looking Human Experiments Ever Conducted

Duchenne de Boulogne took his fascination with human expression to shocking heights.
21 Historical Figures You Didn’t Know Had Serious Mental Disorders

21 Historical Figures You Didn’t Know Had Serious Mental Disorders

Tesla, Hitler, Putin, and others were both tormented and fueled by psychiatric illnesses.
“Ice Bucket Challenge” Creator Pete Frates Cannot Afford His Own Medical Bills

“Ice Bucket Challenge” Creator Pete Frates Cannot Afford His Own Medical Bills

Although Pete Frates helped raise $250 million, he can no longer sustain the health care costs of his own ALS.
Lost World War II Bombers Discovered On The Floor Of The Pacific After 70 Years

Lost World War II Bombers Discovered On The Floor Of The Pacific After 70 Years

New technology allows researchers to uncover missing American B-52 bombers off the coast of Papua New Guinea.
31 Appallingly Racist Ads Of Decades Past

31 Appallingly Racist Ads Of Decades Past

With minimal time to make maximum impact, advertisers have never shied away from racial stereotypes — or, for that matter, racism.
Why The World’s Cushiest Prison Is Also Among Its Most Effective

Why The World’s Cushiest Prison Is Also Among Its Most Effective

This photo tour of Norway's Bastoy Prison reveals why this facility is called "the world's nicest prison" and why its methods work so well.
Reliving The Civil Rights Movement, In 55 Powerful Photos

Reliving The Civil Rights Movement, In 55 Powerful Photos

Visceral photos of hope and struggle.
Harrowing Photos From The 30-Year War That Tore Northern Ireland Apart

Harrowing Photos From The 30-Year War That Tore Northern Ireland Apart

For 30 years, The Troubles tore Northern Ireland apart. These intense images reveal what life was like for those who lived through it.
New Footage Finally Reveals What Narwhal Tusks Are For

New Footage Finally Reveals What Narwhal Tusks Are For

After centuries of mystery, we've solved the mystery of narwhal tusks and now know what "the unicorn of the sea" uses its most distinctive feature for.
Huge Mystery Sea Creature Washes Ashore In Indonesia, Turns The Water Red

Huge Mystery Sea Creature Washes Ashore In Indonesia, Turns The Water Red

Neither locals nor experts have yet been able to identify the bizarre 50-foot blob now rotting near Hulung Beach.
44 Poignant Photos Of Ellis Island Immigrants That Convey The Hope And Hardship Of Coming To America

44 Poignant Photos Of Ellis Island Immigrants That Convey The Hope And Hardship Of Coming To America

These turn-of-the-century photos of Ellis Island immigrants capture the diverse cultures and people that came to the United States in the search of something more.