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Ernest Hemingway Was A Soviet Spy, Ex-CIA Author’s New Book Claims

Ernest Hemingway Was A Soviet Spy, Ex-CIA Author’s New Book Claims

According to one former Marine and CIA officer, Ernest Hemingway worked for both US and USSR intelligence during and after World War II.
The Twisted History Of The Widely Misunderstood Lobotomy

The Twisted History Of The Widely Misunderstood Lobotomy

While Walter Freeman has become infamous as the doctor behind the lobotomy, these photos reveal how misunderstood his story and the procedure really is.
The Bund: The American Arm Of The Nazi Party Before And During WWII

The Bund: The American Arm Of The Nazi Party Before And During WWII

At least 25,000 Americans joined the domestic contingent of the Nazi Party.
NASA’s $1 Billion Probe Just Sent Back Photos of Jupiter Like You’ve Never Seen It Before

NASA’s $1 Billion Probe Just Sent Back Photos of Jupiter Like You’ve Never Seen It Before

The probe's data transmissions meanwhile are rewriting what we thought we knew about the origins of our solar system.
The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising: When The Jews Fought Back Against The Nazis

The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising: When The Jews Fought Back Against The Nazis

Approximately 1,000 Jews would clash with the Nazis over the course of four brutal weeks.
This Dinosaur Looked Like A Chicken And May Have Been Able To Fly, New Discovery Reveals

This Dinosaur Looked Like A Chicken And May Have Been Able To Fly, New Discovery Reveals

A new laser-based technique has found that the Anchiornis might have soared through the Jurassic skies.
33 Thrilling Images From The Wild Early Days Of Flight

33 Thrilling Images From The Wild Early Days Of Flight

These photos take you back to the days when taking off and landing was anything but assured.
Bizarre Photos That Prove History Was Far Stranger Than You Ever Realized

Bizarre Photos That Prove History Was Far Stranger Than You Ever Realized

From Boston's Great Molasses Flood to Los Angeles' alligator picnics, these bizarre photos make history much more interesting.
Momentous Historical Firsts That Happened Way Before Most People Think They Did

Momentous Historical Firsts That Happened Way Before Most People Think They Did

It's often the case that the best stories — not the most accurate accounts — make history.
Female Gangsters That Stole And Killed Their Way Into The Underworld

Female Gangsters That Stole And Killed Their Way Into The Underworld

From the "Mack Truck" to the "Kissing Bandit" these cold-blooded female gangsters prove that you don't need a Y chromosome to be vicious.
Can You Read These Tattoo History Facts Without Wanting to Get Inked?

Can You Read These Tattoo History Facts Without Wanting to Get Inked?

Fascinating tidbits from Thomas Edison to Teddy Roosevelt to today.