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The Story Of Elsa Einstein, The Long-Suffering Second Wife Of Albert Einstein

The Story Of Elsa Einstein, The Long-Suffering Second Wife Of Albert Einstein

Elsa Einstein was Albert Einstein's second wife as well as his first cousin — and she remained married to him despite his frequent affairs.
The Peculiar Story Of Anatoli Bugorski, The Man Who Stuck His Head In A Proton Accelerator And Lived To Tell The Tale

The Peculiar Story Of Anatoli Bugorski, The Man Who Stuck His Head In A Proton Accelerator And Lived To Tell The Tale

Russian physicist Anatoli Bugorski is the only person known to have been directly exposed to a nuclear particle accelerator beam — and survive.
Pedro Rodrigues Filho, The Real-Life ‘Dexter’ Serial Killer Who Targeted Murderers And Rapists

Pedro Rodrigues Filho, The Real-Life ‘Dexter’ Serial Killer Who Targeted Murderers And Rapists

Described as the "perfect psychopath," Pedro Rodrigues Filho murdered at least 70 people — 47 of whom were fellow inmates in prison.
Inside The Notorious Affair Of Maria Reynolds And Alexander Hamilton

Inside The Notorious Affair Of Maria Reynolds And Alexander Hamilton

Starting in 1791, Alexander Hamilton had a year-long affair with Maria Reynolds. Five years later, he published "The Reynolds Pamphlet," detailing how she and her husband had extorted him.
The Tragic Story Of Adam Rainer, The Man Who Went From Dwarf To Giant

The Tragic Story Of Adam Rainer, The Man Who Went From Dwarf To Giant

When Adam Rainer turned 18 he was under four and a half feet tall. A little more than 15 years later he would be 7'1" — tall enough to be classified as a giant.
The Horrifying Story Of Colleen Stan — ‘The Girl In The Box’

The Horrifying Story Of Colleen Stan — ‘The Girl In The Box’

Colleen Stan became known as the "girl in the box" after she was held prisoner by Cameron and Janice Hooker inside their California home between 1977 and 1984.
Did Mary Reeser Spontaneously Combust — Or Is There Another Explanation For Her Bizarre Death?

Did Mary Reeser Spontaneously Combust — Or Is There Another Explanation For Her Bizarre Death?

In July 1951, Mary Reeser mysteriously burned into a pile of ashes in her Florida home, but the apartment around her suffered almost no damage, leading to theories that she had spontaneously combusted.
Meet Christopher Scarver — The Man Who Killed Jeffrey Dahmer

Meet Christopher Scarver — The Man Who Killed Jeffrey Dahmer

Christopher Scarver didn't like Jeffrey Dahmer's crimes. So on November 28, 1994, in Columbia Correctional Institution, he did something about it.
The Story Of Mary Jane Kelly, Jack The Ripper’s Most Gruesome Murder Victim

The Story Of Mary Jane Kelly, Jack The Ripper’s Most Gruesome Murder Victim

Mary Jane Kelly was an enigmatic figure with a mostly unverified story. What was clear, though, was the horrifying nature of her murder.
William Patrick Hitler, The Führer’s Nephew Who Fled To America And Joined The Navy

William Patrick Hitler, The Führer’s Nephew Who Fled To America And Joined The Navy

After fleeing Nazi Germany in 1938, William Hitler became an American citizen, changed his name to William Stuart-Houston, and joined the U.S. Navy, where he was awarded a Purple Heart during World War 2.
How Melvin Ignatow Got Away With Murder — Before Eventually Being Killed By Karma

How Melvin Ignatow Got Away With Murder — Before Eventually Being Killed By Karma

Mel Ignatow killed his girlfriend Brenda Sue Schaefer in 1988 and managed to get away with it. Two decades later, however, he met a grisly fate eerily reminiscent of that murder.