A sign at the entrance of the city of Ozyorsk warning foreign citizens that entrance is prohibited. Also known as City 40, Ozyorsk is the place where the Soviet nuclear weapons program was initiated after World War II. 2007. Wikimedia Commons
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A checkpoint at the closed town of Zheleznogorsk, home to a military reprocessing facility and commercial nuclear waste storage facility. 2011. Wikimedia Commons
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A checkpoint at the entrance of the closed city of Seversk, which has six checkpoints where visitors can show their documents. Even today, special passes need to be shown to the guards in order to enter the city. 2010. Wikimedia Commons
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The cultural center in Zvyozdny known as “Palace of Culture.” Residents of closed cities often feel like there is no cultural life in their city because no outsiders are allowed inside. This means that there are never any foreign artists performing in closed cities’ cultural centers.
In 1931, a military summer camp was set up in Zvyozdny where military training of infantry, cavalry and artillery was carried out. From 1941 onwards, the camp became a permanent fixture. 2010. Wikimedia Commons
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The closed town of Seversk, also known as Tomsk-7.
A nuclear explosion occurred in Tomsk-7 in 1993. TIME magazine included the explosion in its list of the world’s “worst nuclear disasters.” 2006. Wikimedia Commons
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Rainbow house in the closed town of Snezhnogorsk, home to the Nerpa shipyard that repairs Russian nuclear submarines. 2008. Wikimedia Commons
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Aparment buildings on Victory Street in Snezhinsk, previously known as Chelyabinsk-70, and home of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Technical Physics. 2006. Wikimedia Commons
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A view of Severomorsk, previously known as Vayenga and the base of the Russian navy’s Northern Fleet. 2010. Wikimedia Commons
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Lenin Square in Snezhinsk. 2014. Wikimedia Commons
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A park in the closed town of Novouralsk, previously known as Sverdlovsk-44 and kept secret until 1994.
Novouralsk is home to the Ural Electro Chemical Plant. Its activities include uranium enrichment, development of centrifuge technology, and manufacture of nuclear instruments and systems. 2002. Wikimedia Commons
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An apartment building in Novouralsk. According to the 2010 census, 85,522 inhabitants live in Novouralsk. 2002.Wikimedia Commons
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Children’s playground in Novouralsk. 2002. Wikimedia Commons
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A typical apartment building in Novouralsk. 2002.Wikimedia Commons
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The traditional fermented bread drink Kvass being sold in a neighborhood in Novouralsk. 2002. Wikimedia Commons
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Ozyorsk is a closed town close to the Mayak plant. During the Cold War, the Mayak plant used to be the Soviet Union’s main source of plutonium. Today it is used for processing nuclear waste as well as for recycling nuclear material. 2008.Wikimedia Commons
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Satellite map of the Mayak nuclear facility in Ozyorsk. 2010.Wikimedia Commons
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The closed town of Severomorsk. 2010. Wikimedia Commons
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A typical, nine-storey apartment block in Severomorsk. 2010. Wikimedia Commons
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Apartment buildings in Severomorsk. 2010.Wikimedia Commons
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In 1984, a huge stockpile of naval missiles caught on fire in Severomorsk, which resulted in a number of explosions and around 300 deaths. 2010. Wikimedia Commons
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It is estimated that the explosions destroyed at least a third of Northern Fleet’s surface-to-air missiles. 2010. Wikimedia Commons
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An apartment building, a newspaper kiosk, and a bus stop in Severomorsk. 2010. Wikimedia Commons
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Severomorsk. 2010. Wikimedia Commons
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The decaying Severomorsk. 2010. Wikimedia Commons
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Winter in Severomorsk. The closed town is located on the Kola Peninsula in the Arctic Circle. 2010. Wikimedia Commons
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The mountains in Severomorsk. 2010. Wikimedia Commons
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Submarines in Severomorsk. 2010.Wikimedia Commons
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K-21 submarine in Severomorsk. 2010.Wikimedia Commons
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Monument in Severomorsk. 2010.Wikimedia Commons
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Monument of a plane in Severomorsk. 2010.Wikimedia Commons
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Monument of a plane in Severomorsk. 2010.Wikimedia Commons
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Aircraft Tu-16 landing at Severomorsk airfield. Circa 1980s. Wikimedia Commons
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Military ruins in Seversk. 2012.Wikimedia Commons
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Military ruins in Seversk. 2012.Wikimedia Commons
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Military ruins in Seversk. 2012.Wikimedia Commons
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Military ruins in Seversk. 2012.Wikimedia Commons
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Siberian Chemical Combine in Seversk. Cooling towers. 2010.Wikimedia Commons
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Inside the Siberian Chemical Combine in Seversk. 2010.Wikimedia Commons
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The machine room inside the power plant ES-1 in Seversk. 2010.Wikimedia Commons
Inside Russia’s Closed Cities, The Soviet-Era Communities Built To Hide Their Nuclear Program
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Closed cities were first built in the Soviet Union in the 1940s. Stalin had decided to launch a nuclear weapons program and it was necessary to hide it well from the prying eyes of his enemies. Thus, the nuclear and military industries were banished to the most remote parts of the country.
Thousands of people were housed in these closed cities, also known as secret cities or forbidden cities, and renamed “closed administrative territorial entities” (ZATO) in 1993. But if you looked at Soviet censuses, these people did not exist. At least, not officially.
While residents of closed cities were allowed to enter and re-enter the city as they pleased, their everyday lives were to be as secret as those of KGB agents. Once outside the city, residents of ZATO were strictly forbidden to divulge information about their place of residence. Everyone adhered to this rule – failure to comply would have resulted in criminal prosecution.
Closed cities were not marked on maps and there were no road marks that could lead an ignorant traveler to the secret settlements. The cities were also excluded from train and bus routes and were generally known only by a postal code which consisted of a name and a number. The postal code was important not only for security purposes but also for mail delivery since all mail addressed to closed cities' residents was delivered to a nearby city to be collected later.
In return for their ability to keep a secret, residents of closed cities were rewarded with private apartments, good healthcare, and jobs for life. At a time when the rest of the country was finding it hard to come by the most basic food items, residents of closed cities were enjoying bananas, condensed milk, and sausages.
Even today, most residents of closed cities consider themselves lucky to be living in a ZATO area. They are not at all perturbed by the barbed-wire fence that surrounds them or the permits that their relatives need in order to visit them.
Non-residents who want to visit closed cities have to acquire a special pass from the Russian security service. As one can imagine, doing so is no easy feat. Passes are only given to those who have relatives in closed cities or those who are traveling to closed cities on a business trip. And even then, access is not guaranteed. Acquiring a permanent pass is even more challenging – you have to either have been born in a closed city or work in one of its enterprises.
If anything, most residents associate closed cities with security because no outsiders are welcome inside.
However, while crime levels in closed cities are lower than anywhere else in the world, and thus they are indeed safer in that respect, other dangers are abundant. For example, residents of Ozyorsk are slowly being killed by radiation – it is said that they’re exposed to five times as much radiation as those who live in areas affected by the Chernobyl accident.
After the fall of the Soviet Union, many closed cities were de-classified. A few of these cities and towns were opened such as Kaliningrad and Vladivostok, while others remain closed to this day.
Most residents are not keen on the idea of having their city or town opened – they have their own mentality and their pride. To most residents, their city is a bit of a paradise and they don’t care what the outside world may think of them.
Currently, it is estimated that there are about 44 closed cities in existence in Russia with about 1.5 million people living in them. It is speculated that around 15 other closed cities exist in the Russian territory. However, their whereabouts and their names have not been disclosed by the Russian government.
John Kuroski is the editorial director of All That's Interesting. He graduated from New York University with a degree in history, earning a place in the Phi Alpha Theta honor society for history students. An editor at All That's Interesting since 2015, his areas of interest include modern history and true crime.
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Martisiute, Laura. "Inside Russia’s Closed Cities, The Soviet-Era Communities Built To Hide Their Nuclear Program." AllThatsInteresting.com, June 11, 2017, https://allthatsinteresting.com/closed-cities. Accessed March 4, 2025.